Page 31 - The World About Us
P. 31
Your Revision checklist
1. Describe the distribution of the
world’s tropical rainforests. (2) You should ensure that you understand the elements
that make up an ecosystem (pp 4-7) including abiotic
2. Describe the distribution of the world’s tropical components (weather, climate, soil) and biotic components
coral reefs. (2) (plants, animals, humans). You should develop an overview of
3. Outline why tropical rainforests are considered the global distribution of Polar regions, coral reefs, grasslands,
to be biodiversity hot spots. (2) temperate forests, tropical rainforests and hot deserts (pp.10-
20.) This overview should include the climate, plants and animals within
4. Explain why tropical coral reefs have been
these ecosystems.
described as ‘the rainforests of the oceans.’ (2)
In more detail you will need to learn the location of tropical
5. Describe the location of a tropical rainforest you
rainforests including the Amazon, Central American, Congo River Basin,
have studied. (2)
Madagascan, South East Asian and Australasian (p10). This must go
6. Describe the location of a tropical coral reef alongside learning the location of warm water coral reefs including the
system you have studied. (2) Great Barrier Reef, Red Sea Coral Reef, New Caledonia Barrier Reef, the
7. Outline the current threats to a coral reef Mesoamerican Barrier Reef, Florida Reef and Andros Coral Reef (p12).
ecosystem you have studied. (4) While revising tropical rainforests you should be aware of the
8. Outline the current threats to a rainforest processes that operate within them, including nutrient and water cycles
(p.21). This also applies to nutrient cycling that operates within coral
ecosystem you have studied. (4)
reefs (p.26).
9. With reference to an example, discuss how
rainforests can be managed sustainably. (8) Finally, you must be familiar with two case studies, including one
tropical rainforest (pp.22-25)and one coral reef (pp.27-30). The case
10. ‘Coral reefs are vital global ecosystems but study knowledge must cover: the interdependence of climate, soil,
need careful management if they are not to suffer water, plants, animals and humans; their value to humans and to the
rapid decline.’ Discuss this statement with planet; threats to biodiversity and attempts to mitigate these through
reference to a reef system you have studied. (12) sustainable use and management.
fig.84 Finding Nemo, clown fish, Raja Ampat, Indonesia.
Top tips for exam success
GCSEs can be stressful but getting stressed is no help when it comes to exam
success. The following are top tips for exam success:
¤ Create three zones for yourself.
It's important to create a Study zone, a Relaxation zone and a Sleep zone.
Keep these areas distinct and make sure the study and sleep spaces are calm
and uncluttered. Don’t revise in bed or when watching television.
¤ Plan and use a revision timetable.
Schedule time to study, relax and sleep. Break revision periods into
manageable chunks. Don’t do too much in one go. Don't do too little either.
¤ Take regular breaks.
Break your study up into twenty minute chunks. You should not study for
more than two hours without taking a break of about twenty minutes. These
short breaks should be used to unwind, chat to friends, have a drink and eat
a healthy snack. It's also important to take an extended break each day to
really 'switch off' from studying.
¤ Eat a healthy diet and exercise.
Eating healthy food and drinking at regular intervals throughout the day will
maintain your energy levels and concentration. Avoid too much coffee, tea
or 'energy' drinks, as the caffeine can make you feel agitated and stop you
sleeping. Exercising regularly helps release adrenalin, clear your mind and
reduce stress.
¤ Sleep well and ensure you sleep long enough.
Maintain a regular sleep pattern. Always aim to get at least eight hours sleep
per night and try to fit in one hour of relaxation before you go to bed.
19 31
Landscapes are dynamic and differ depending on their geology, climate and human activity.
Biodiverse ecosystems are under threat from human activity
Ecosystems have distinct distributions and characteristics..