Page 32 - The World About Us
P. 32

Mumbai slums

      What do we mean by the term development?

          Development is a complex process by which socie es   fig.85 Over one billion people worldwide live in slums.
       change. Generally speaking, development involves the
       improvement in the quality of people’s lives. In many
       people’s  minds, the concept of development is linked to the
       idea of progress.
          There are many ways in which we can measure
       development. Some of these are easy to quan fy, such as
       the standard of living. This looks at the amount of money
       people have to meet their daily needs. Other concepts are
       much harder to measure and may include happiness or
       security and safety.
          Development is a measure of human progress and
       because human beings and human socie es are very
       complex, measuring development can be very difficult.
          In addi on, the reasons why some countries or regions
       are more developed than others is also extremely complex.
                                                            Some mes it is easier to break a big concept like
          Decisions made by governments, companies, civic   development into small sub-sec ons, such as social,
       organisa ons and individuals can all impact on development,   economic and environmental. However, geographers always
       and at scales ranging from the local to the interna onal.
                                                            recognise that these concepts are o en closely inter-related.

                              What is Social Development?

                                 Social development is about improving people’s quality of life. This could include the health
                              and educa on of people, as well as the condi ons in which they live, such as their housing. One of
                              the most obvious social development indicators is life expectancy. Life expectancy rose
                              drama cally during the 20th Century in most countries on Earth. ‘More developed' countries, like
                              Japan and the UK, saw the first big rises but in recent years less developed countries, such as Niger
                              and Nepal, have seen significant improvements in life expectancy.
       What is Economic Development?

          Economic development describes the improvement in people’s lives as measured by wealth.
       Economic indicators look at average and specific incomes for people, as well as the jobs they do.
       Less developed countries tend to have more people working as subsistence farmers (primary
       employment) whereas the 'Advanced Countries' will have most people working in the service
       sector (ter ary employment).
                              What is Environmental Development?

                                 In the past, development was mostly considered with regard to social and economic indicators.
                              Today people are increasingly aware of the importance of func oning ecosystems, clean air and
                              water and other aspects of the natural world. With an increasing number of environmental issues
                              facing the planet, and human popula ons set to reach 9-10 billion by 2050, environmental
                              development will be a significant indicator of human progress in the coming decades.
       What is Sustainable Development?

          Sustainability refers to the use of resources, and the organisa on of society, in such a way that
       the needs of the present are sa sfied, whilst ensuring the needs of the future can also be met. At
       present, most countries on Earth do not have sustainable development. Fossil fuels are being
       burned up, despite the impact on the climate of the future. Soils are being exhausted by over-
       cul va on. The seas are being contaminated by pollutants washed out to sea in rivers or
       deliberately dumped 'out of sight'. Sustainable development will require thinking about the impact
       of decisions made today on the lives of people several genera ons to come.


       The world is developing unevenly.
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