Page 34 - The World About Us
P. 34


       What are the strengths and weaknesses of using GNI?

          One of the most common ways of       US$540. By 1990 the figure was US$16,466. By   fig.90 Gross Na onal Income.
       measuring development is to look at Gross   2015 Singapore’s GNI per capita had risen to   GNI league table
       Na onal Income, abbreviated to GNI. GNI is   US$52,740. There is li le doubt that
       the value of the total domes c and foreign   Singapore has seen a huge improvement in its   2016 Top Ten Gross Na onal
       output claimed by the inhabitants and   economy and the wealth of its popula on.   Income (US$ per capita)
       resident firms of a na on over a full year.                                         1.   Monaco                $186,950
                                                  Contras ng Singapore with the Democra c
                                                                                          2.   Liechtenstein     $115,530
          It differs from Gross Domes c Product in   Republic of the Congo (DRC) we can see how
                                                                                          3.   Norway               $93,530
       that it includes overseas earnings, which is   successful Singapore has been. In 1965 the   4.   Switzerland        $84,550
       important when we have an increasingly   DRC  had an annual GNI of US$968 per capita,   5.   Qatar                   $83,990
       integrated global economy.  Since most   75% higher than Singapore. By 1990 GNI had   6.   Luxembourg       $77,480
       countries have greatly differing popula on   fallen to $611 and by 2015 it had reached a   7.   Denmark             $60,270
       sizes it is usual to divide the total GNI with the   low of $349. Despite having some of the most   8.   Australia             $60,050
       popula on size, to get a figure for GNI per   abundant resources in Africa, the DRC has   9.   Sweden               $57,900
       capita. This is given in US dollars for easy   suffered from decades of corrup on, war and   10. United States     $55,980
       comparison.                             unrest. The DRC is not making much progress   2016 Top Ten Gross na onal
          The strengths of GNI is that is gives a very   in terms of economic development.  income, PPP - Purchasing
       simple and easily comparable figure which   fig.88 On the road; fleeing conflict in the DRC.  Power Parity,(US$ per capita).
       most people can understand. A er all, most of
       us use money to buy our daily requirements.                                        1.   Qatar                 $138,480
       Since development is o en related to the                                           2.   Kuwait   $84,360
                                                                                          3.   Brunei
       strength of an economy, a simple economic                                          4.   Singapore   $81,360
       measure about that economy can be a useful                                         5.   Luxembourg   $72,080
       gauge to how that economy is faring.                                               6.   U.A.E.    $70,020
          If an economy is growing each year we                                           7.   Norway   $65,210
       can assume that the overall economy is                                             8.   Switzerland   $63,990
                                                                                          9.   United States  $57,540
       developing and people’s lives are improving.
                                                                                          10. Saudi Arabia   $54,840
          In 1965 Singapore had a GNI per capita of
                                                                                          2016 Lowest Ten for GNI
       GNI cannot tell the whole picture                                                  (US$ per capita)
                                                                                          186.   North Korea     $500
                                                                                          187.   Guinea     $470
          One of the biggest strengths, but also   fig.89 Mobutu with US President Richard Nixon.
       weakness, with GNI is that it uses two very                                        188.   Gambia     $470
                                                                                          189.   Madagascar    $420
       simple figures - the wealth of the country and
                                                                                          190.   DRC       $410
       its total popula on. What is doesn’t tell us is                                    191.   Niger     $390
       how the wealth of an economy is divided up.                                        192.   Liberia     $380
          In 1965 a military coup in the DRC overthrew                                    193.   Malawi     $350
       the democra c government of Patrice Lumumba                                        194.  Central African
       and put Mobutu Sese Seko into power. Mobutu                                        Republic (C.A.R)     $320
       became notorious for corrup on. Some                                               195.  Burundi     $260
       es mates say he embezzled between US$4
                                                                                          2016 Lowest Ten GNI
       billion and $15 billion during his 32 year reign.
       He even chartered Concorde for shopping trips   given as a figure in US dollars which makes   adjusted for PPP (US$)
                                               comparisons between countries easy. But a
       to Paris, building a 3,200 metre runway at his                                     186.  North Korea  No data*
                                               change in the exchange rate between two
       jungle palace for the supersonic jet.                                              187.  Guinea     $1,120
                                               currencies will show up as a change in GNI -   188.  Gambia          No data*
          Corrup on and poli cal violence saw the GNI   even if nothing else has actually changed.  189.   Madagascar    $1,410
       of Zaire (renamed by its new ruler) fall steadily                                  190.   DRC      $720
       during the dictator’s rule. Whilst Mobuto and   Moreover, the GNI does not tell you how   191.   Niger     $950
       his henchmen were stealing a larger and larger   expensive things are in any par cular country.   192.   Liberia     $720
                                               Many people prefer the GNI figures adjusted for
       share of an ever-dwindling cake, the rest of the                                   193.   Malawi     $1,140
                                               Purchasing Power Parity, which a empts to
       popula on got less and less. GNI figures tell one                                   194.   C.A.R.                $620
       story about Zaire, but they cannot tell the whole   adjust figures to the cost of living. Figure 90   195.   Burundi     $730
                                               shows how raw GNI per capita figures change up
       story of the brutal years of Mobutu’s rule.
                                               or down when adjusted for purchasing parity.  * insufficient data is available to
          Another problem with GNI is that it is o en                                     make the PPP calculation.

       The world is developing unevenly.
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