Page 24 - The World About Us
P. 24

River Bahorok

       Why is the Gunung Leuser rainforest valuable?

       Biodiversity                                                           has reduced hydroelectricity
          The high number of plant species                                    produc on. Many people blame these
       and variety of animals, from  gers to                                  water shortages on deforesta on in
       leopard cats, orang utans and siamang,                                 and around the park.
       means that the loss of this park could                                 Ecotourism
       see species pushed closer to                                             Ecotourism is becoming a
       ex nc on.
                                                                              significant economic ac vity in the
       Food and  mber                                                         park. Around 30,000 tourists each
          Local people hunt and collect                                       year, both from within Indonesia and
       fruits and seeds in the forest.                                        abroad, come to explore and enjoy the
       However, this is threatened by                                         rainforest of the Gunung Leuser NP.
       deforesta on. The hardwood trees are                                     At the edge of the park is the town
       valued around the world. While                                         of Bukit Lawang. Tourists can take
       logging in the park is restricted, illegal                             treks in the rainforest as well as going
       logging may be destroying 21,000                                       ‘tubing’; riding on large inner tubes
       hectares of the park each year.                                        down the Bahorok River. With park
       Freshwater and soil protec on                                          fees for foreign tourists set at INR
                                                                              150,000 rupiah (£8.50), tourism is a
          The forest helps bind the soil
       together and stops it eroding under                                    valuable source of income.
       the intense tropical rainfall. The forest                              Medicinal Plants
       also helps to keep water courses clean,        fig.64 The endangered Siamang has   Many rainforest plants are used by
       clear and flowing all year.         seen a decline of 50% in 40 years.  local people for their medicinal
       Hydroelectricity                   which has its origins in the Gunung   quali es. Many of these medicinal
                                          Leuser park. In recent years reduced   proper es have yet to be
          Many hydroelectric plants in the
       Northern Aceh province use water   rainfall and increased sedimenta on   commercially exploited.

       What are the threats to the Gunung Leuser rainforest?

          While the Gunung Leuser Na onal   illegal planta ons deeper in the park.   tusks which are used for carving
       Park is a protected area it is s ll at risk   Although a 1999 court case   ornaments and jewellery.
       of deforesta on. Once the trees have   awarded 30 million rupiahs in damage   In 2016, patrols in Gunung Leuser
       been removed, the complex          for the problems associated with the   and Way Kambas Na onal Parks
       interrela onships of the rainforest   planta on, the legal decision did not   removed over 300 snares set for
       break down and biodiversity is lost.   stop extensive logging in the park.   elephant,  ger and deer, as well as 88
          The threemost important causes of                                   traps set for catching forest birds
       deforesta on are palm oil planta ons,   Wildlife conflicts              intended for sale in the pet trade.
       logging and road construc on. In 1982,   Orang utans may have protected
       a road project split the GLNP in two,   status but they can come into conflict   fig.65 Elephants are under threat from
       leading to illegal se lements inside the   with local villagers on the outskirts of   conflict with farmers and ivory poaching.
       park, as well as an ever-expanding   the park. Orang utans are known to
       wave of encroachment, illegal logging   raid crops, which can threaten the
       and poaching of endangered species.  livelihood of already very poor farmers.
          In 1995, 34 families, who lived in an   Orang utans can be killed or injured by
       enclave in the park, were granted   farmers protec ng their crops.
       permission to clear an area of 42km² to   Elephants also come into conflict
       create a palm oil planta on. An eleven   with the park’s neighbouring farmers
       kilometre road was authorised to help   and can cause extensive crop damage
       with this project. As a result, not only   leading to the risk of retalia on. Some
       were the areas of rainforest lost in the   440 human-elephant conflicts were
       planta on but areas of forest were lost   reported in 2016 around the park.
       along the new road. The road also
                                              Elephants are also under threat
       established access for people to create
                                          from illegal poaching for their ivory


       Biodiverse ecosystems are under threat from human activity.
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