Page 22 - The World About Us
P. 22


       Why are the rainforests so valuable to people?

          Natural tropical rainforests provide
       a very hos le environment for humans
       to live in. There are high temperatures
       with sweltering humidity, poor soils and
       all manner of wildlife that make life
       difficult. Much of the naturally
       occurring vegeta on is high in the
       forest canopy, along with much of the
       poten al prey for hun ng. This is why,
       tradi onally, human popula on
       numbers have been very low in
          However, over the last century
       human popula ons in rainforest areas
       have expanded rapidly. In most cases   fig.57 Newly cut logs float down the Kumai River in Kalimantan, Borneo.
       the newly arrived people have been   However, grasses will grow which   rainforest plants are currently used as
       coming in search of the abundant    allows ca le ranchers to move into   medicines – with many more perhaps
       natural resources found in the forests.
                                           areas recently deforested.          undiscovered.
          The most obvious resource is
                                              The tropical climate is a valuable   Beneath the soil, vast mineral
        mber. Rainforest hardwoods are an   resource for growing oil palms – a   deposits are found. The largest iron ore
       excellent source of  mber – whether   tropical species which produces high   mine in the world, Carajás in Brazil,
       for construc on, carpentry or paper   quality oil used in food, cosme cs and   extracts 300 million tonnes of iron ore
       manufacture. In the last 40 years, 20%
                                           soaps. Millions of hectares of forest in   each year, as well as gold, manganese,
       of the Amazon rainforest has been cut
                                           Indonesia and Malaysia have been    copper and nickel. Gold mines, both
       down. This is more than was cut down   logged and then planted as oil palm   legal and illegal, are found through
       in the previous 400 years.
                                           planta ons. These planta ons provide   rainforest areas. The toxic wastes from
          The explana on for this rise in   over 85% of the world's  52 million   these mines, which use mercury to
       logging can be found in the improved   tonnes of produc on per year.     process the gold, can have a lethal
       road links opening up parts of the   Europeans use or consume an average   impact on local ecosystems.
       jungle previously inaccessible to   of 60kg of palm oil each year. As well   In some areas, rainforests are
       loggers. This, along with modern    as palm oil, the rainforest climate is   becoming a tourist a rac on, bringing
       chainsaws and the insa able global   ideal for growing rubber trees. The latex   in local and interna onal visitors to see
       demand for  mber, could mean that, at   from the tree sap is used in the   the marvels of the jungle. These
       current rates, all the Amazon's forest   manufacture of car tyres.
                                                                               tourists bring in money which can help
       could disappear within a century.
                                              Rainforests are not just sources of   support poor and marginalised se lers
          When rainforest is cut down the    mber and palm oil. Many rainforest   as well as indigenous people. This new
       complex interrela onship between    plants have been found to contain   ‘ecotourism’, if managed wisely, could
       soil, fungi, bacteria and trees is broken   chemicals that have been used to fight   help protect some forests from further
       and soils quickly lose their fer lity.   diseases including cancers. Over 125   destruc on.

        fig.58 Carajás iron ore mine, Brazil.  fig.59 Forest cleared for a palm oil planta on in Sumatra, Indonesia.


       Biodiverse ecosystems are under threat from human activity.
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