Page 15 - The World About Us
P. 15

Joshua Tree

           What is life like in the hot deserts?

              The key feature of all life in hot
           deserts is its ability to survive with very
           li le water. This known as a xerophy c
           adap on. Plants have adapted in many
           similar ways across different deserts.
             Many, like the cac  of North
           America, have dispensed with leaves
           altogether. They have their chlorophyll
           stored under a waxy skin. Thorns, sharp
           spines and fine hairs help deter plant
           eaters. They also act as surfaces on
           which dew condenses. A concer na skin
           allows cac  to expand a er rainfall to
           store moisture in their bodies.
             Many desert trees have become
           deciduous in between rainy spells. This
           prevents moisture loss from the       fig.36 Saguaro cac  in the Sonoran Desert, southern USA.
           stomata on the leaves.
                                               which also act to radiate excess heat.
             The paloverde bush has also evolved
           a green bark packed with chlorophyll, so   Fennec foxes  have evolved to spend
           when leaves are shed the bark takes   most of their lives ac ve at night.
           over as the site for photosynthesis. The
           Joshua tree has roots up to 11m, to
           search for water deep underground.
             Trees such as the oco llo quickly
           grow numerous,  ny leaves when the
           rain falls. It may grow leaves several
            mes a year.  In the deserts of North
           America, ephemerals such as desert
           mallow and chuparosa grow flowers in
           just a few days a er rains fall.
             Insects and animals also need to
           survive with a lack of water. In the
           Namib Desert, darkling beetles climb to
           the top of sand dunes to collect      fig.37 The Fennec fox, desert-adapted.  fig.38 Joshua tree, a desert specialist.
           morning fog on their bodies. In the
           same desert, elephants will walk many
           miles to find grasses and grass roots.                                           compare the climates of Manaus and
           These sparse plants grow in the beds of          1. Outline the        Medan. (5)
           ephemeral rivers, which may only flow   distribu on of tropical rainforests
           for a few days a year.                                                   7. With reference to examples,
                                               across the globe. (2)              explain why hot deserts receive such
             In the Sonoran Desert, in the United   2. Outline the distribu on of shallow   low rainfall across the year. (6)
           States, the great saguaro cac  rely on   water coral reefs across the world. (2)
           migra ng bats to pollinate their night-                                  8. Outline reasons why rainforests
           blooming flowers. The bats are         3. Outline the distribu on of the   receive large amounts of rainfall. (4)
           provided with an energy-rich drink of   world’s hot deserts. (2)         9. Explain the reasons why tropical
           nectar enabling them to fly across the   4. What is meant by the Sub-Tropical   coral reefs are considered to be a fragile
           desert.                             High Pressure (STHP) zone? (2)     environment. (6).
             Many animals have become            5. What is the Inter-Tropical      10. Describe and explain how some
           nocturnal to avoid the intense heat of   Convergence Zone (ITCZ)? (2)  desert plants and animals have evolved
           the day. The Sahara’s Fennec fox has                                   adapta ons to be able to live in hot
           excellent night vision and large ears,   6. Using fig.22 (p10) and fig.25 (p11),   deserts. (8)


                                                                   Ecosystems have distinct distributions and characteristics.
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