Page 9 - The World About Us
P. 9

Emperor penguins

           What are the flora and fauna of the Polar regions?

             Much of the Arc c is an ocean with   fig.17 Caribou out on the Alaskan tundra.
           a permanently frozen layer of sea ice
           on the surface. Polar bears hunt their
           seal prey on the Arc c sea ice during the
           winter months, o en coming close to
           starva on during the summer when the
           more southerly ice melts.
             The Arc c land area is dominated by
           a biome called the tundra. This is a vast
           expanse of land covering around 11.5
           million square kilometres. The ground
           here is permanently frozen, as
           permafrost below a surface layer which
           only melts briefly each summer.
                                               tree-less plain and desolate mountains.   escape the cold, moving south in winter.
             Each summer only the shallow
                                                 There are around 1,700 species of   Antarc ca is 99% covered in snow
           surface layers of the ground melt,   plants adapted to grow in the harsh   and ice and so plants are very limited
           allowing low-growing shrubs, grasses   condi ons of the tundra. Many animals,   on the con nent. Those plants that do
           and alpine plants to grow on a thin and   such as reindeer or snow geese, migrate   exist are mostly mosses (100 species)
           poor soil. The tundra appears as a vast
                                               to the tundra for the summer and then   and liverworts (25 species).
           Seas teeming with life              fig.18 Krill, a Southern Ocean     Adélie penguins. Fur seals, elephant

             The seas of both the Arc c and    keystone species. A single ‘swarm’   and Weddell seals hunt the fish-rich
           Southern Oceans are very produc ve.   can contain up to                waters, res ng up on the shores and ice
           In summer, blooms of phytoplankton   200 million                       flows. Crabeater seals are hunted by
           form the founda on of complex food   tonnes.                           the fearsome leopard seal. These are, in
                                                                                  turn, hunted by orca or killer whales.
           webs. Shrimp-like krill rise to the
           surface to feed on the plankton.                                          The eighteen species of squid found
                                                                                  in the Southern Ocean prey on young
             An es mated 379 million tonnes of
           krill live in the Southern Ocean                                       fish and krill. In turn, they are prey for
           providing food for fish and squid, as   of Antarc ca may appear barren, the   larger fish, seals, orca and sperm
           well as seals and baleen whales, such as   waters teem with life. Many birds and   whales. An es mated 36 million tonnes
                                                                                  of squid are consumed by other marine
           the blue and minke species. This makes   sea mammals which visit Antarc c
                                                                                  life in the Southern Ocean each year.
           the simple krill one of the keystone   waters also breed there.
           species of Southern Ocean
                                                 Many thousands of penguins breed   KEY TERMS
             Krill also support ocean-faring birds,   on the shores of Antarc ca, including
           such as shearwaters. So while the land   thousands of gentoo, emperor and
                                                                                     Arctic: the region north of 66 ⁄   North
                                                                                     in latitude, dominated by the tundra
                                                                                     regions and the Arctic Ocean.
                                                                                     Antarctic: region south of 66 ⁄   South
                  Sperm whales
                                     Baleen whales                   Orca            in latitude, dominated by the continent
                                                                                     of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean.
                                                                                     Keystone species: a species that is
                                                                                     critical to maintaining the relationships
            Elephant                  Leopard seals         Seabirds                 in an ecosystem. This could be as a
            seals                                                                    source of food or as a predator which
                                                                                     controls other elements in the
                                                  Fish              Other seals      ecosystem.
                                                                                     Polar regions: both the Arctic and the
              Squid                                         fig.19 A simplified      Antarctic, close to the North and South
                                                            Antarctic  food web.     Poles, with latitudes greater than 66 ⁄  .
                           Phytoplankton and Zooplankton


                                                                   Ecosystems have distinct distributions and characteristics.
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