Page 43 - The World About Us
P. 43

Mount Kelimutu

          Indonesia: a nation of islands, a country of contrasts.

              Indonesia is the fourth most                         South                          Pacific Ocean
           populous na on on Earth, with over                      China
           263 million inhabitants in 2017.                        Sea
           Straddling the Equator, Indonesia                                                          Republic of
           contains over 14,000 islands stretching
           5,120km from east to west and 1,760km                                                              Equator
           from north to south.                                        Kalimantan
                                                                        (Borneo)    Sulawesi
              Some of Indonesia's islands are                                                                 West
           huge. New Guinea, which Indonesia    Indian Ocean                                                  Papua
           shares with Papua New Guinea, is the                  Jakarta       Bali
           world's second largest island a er                          Java
           Greenland. Borneo, which Indonesia
           shares with Malaysia and Brunei, is the
           world's third largest. En rely within            INDONESIA                                        500km
           Indonesia are Sumatra (6th largest),                 fig.109 Map of Indonesia.
           Sulawesi (11th largest) and Java (13th
           largest). In contrast, some islands are   rises 4,884 metres above West Papua.
            ny. Gili Air, popular with tourists, is just   Just 4  south of the Equator, the slopes
           200 metres wide.                    on Puncak Jaya s ll have glaciers. Sadly
                                               these are rapidly disappearing as a result
              Indonesia has around 95,000 km of
           coastline and it also contains the world's   of global warming and may be
                                               completely melted by 2020.
           highest island mountain.  Puncak Jaya
                                                  The people of Indonesia are as
                                               diverse as its islands. Over 300 different
             fig.110 Gunung Paluweh erupts.     ethnic groups make up the popula on,
                                               speaking over 700 languages. While
                                               Indonesia's na onal mo o is “Unity in
                                               Diversity”, the country has had a
                                               turbulent and divided history since
                                               independence in 1945.                    fig.111 Jakarta, capital of Indonesia.
                                                  In this sec on, we will inves gate
                                               Indonesia's physical geography as well as   INDONESIA FACTFILE
                                               its poli cal and economic development.
                                               We will look at how health, educa on
                                                                                    Popula on (2017):  263 million
                                               and employment for Indonesia's growing
                                               popula on has changed over  me.      Land Area : 1,904,569 km²  (plus
                                                                                    4,000 reefs and cays exposed at low
           RECORD BREAKING NATION                 These rainforest ecosystems are now    de)
                                               threatened as Indonesia has become the   Permanently inhabited islands : 922
             Not only does Indonesia contain the   largest producer and consumer of palm
           world's highest island mountain, as well   oil. Indonesia also holds the dubious   Capital city : Jakarta
           as the world's second and third largest   record for the fastest rate of   Currency : Indonesian Rupiah (IDR)
           islands, it holds many more records as   deforesta on in the world.
           well. Java is the world's most populous                                  Gross Na onal Income per capita :
           island. Its 145 million people live in just   The islands of Indonesia contain 127   $3,440
           138,000 km2 (60% of the size of UK).   ac ve volcanoes, more than any other   Gross Na onaI Income per capita
                                               na on on the planet. While these
             Indonesia's tropical seas are the   volcanoes have contributed to      (purchasing power parity): $11,699
           most bio-diverse on Earth, with over   Indonesia’s fer le soils and drama c   Gross Na onal Income (2016) :
           3,500 species found in the coral reefs   landscapes, they have also claimed   $940,953 billion
           around the Raja Ampat islands.      many thousands of lives.             Gross Na onal Income (purchasing
             The rainforests of Sumatra (see      Today, 5 million people live within   power parity): $3,027 trillion
           pages 23-25) are the second most bio-  ac ve danger zones on the slopes of
           diverse terrestrial ecosystem on Earth,   Indonesian volcanoes.          Gini Coefficient : 35.6 (medium)
           a er that of the Amazon basin.                                           HDI : 0.689 (rank 113/188)


                                                               Many factors contribute to a country’s economic development.
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