Page 42 - The World About Us
P. 42

Turkana, Kenya

                                                                     fig.107 Displaced persons’ camp, western Myanmar, 2012.
                   1. Define the
       geographical use of the term
       development. (1)
       2. Define the term environmental
       development. (2)
       3. Contrast social development with
       economic development. (3)
       4. With the aid of examples, describe
       what is meant by the term development
       indicator? (3)
       5. Contrast social indicators of
       development with economic ones. (3)
       6. Outline the advantages and
       disadvantages of using internet users as
       a development indicator. (4)
       7. Describe the social and economic
       impacts for people living in a
       settlement, such as the one shown in   unequal place in the last thirty years.”   14. “Corruption is a bigger problem
       figure 107. (5)                     Discuss this statement in relation to   than colonialism.” Discuss this
       8. Why is Gross National Income an   development. (8)                  statement in relationship to both
       incomplete indicator of a nation’s   12. Describe how the IMF groups   development and international aid. (12)
       development? (3)                    countries into three broad categories   15. Discuss the arguments for and
       9. What is the Human Development    according to economic indicators. (3)  against the use of overseas aid to
       Index? (2)                          13. Outline how environmental factors   promote development in Low-Income
       11. “The world has become a more    can impact on development. (4)     Developing Countries. (6)

                                                                 Your Revision checklist

                                                                    You must be able to define social, economic
                                                                 and environmental development as well as
                                                                 explain the concept of sustainable development
                                                                 (p.32). You should be aware of the range of
                                                                 development indicators available to geographers,
                                                                 including GNI per capita, the Human Development
                                                                 Index and the number of Internet Users. You should
                                                                 be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of these
                                                                 indicators (pp.33-35).
                                                                    You must be aware how these development indicators
                                                                 illustrate the consequences of uneven development (p.36). In
                                                                 addition, you must be able to describe how the IMF group
         fig.108 Clearing unexploded ordnance (UXO) from farm land in Laos.  Advanced Countries (ACs), Emerging and Developing
                                                                 Countries (EDCs) and Low-Income Developing Countries
          From 1964 to 1973, the US dropped over 2 million tons of ordnance
       over Laos in 580,000 bombing missions.  Of the 270 million cluster   (LIDCs). You should be aware of examples and global patterns
       bomblets that were dropped, 80 million failed to detonate.  Unexploded   (p.37).
       ordnance (UXO), including cluster bombs, have killed or maimed as many   You must be confident about the effects of uneven
       as 50,000 civilians in Laos since 1964 (20,000 since 1973, a er the   development.  You should learn a range of the causes of
       Vietnam War ended). In recent years there have been over 100 new   uneven development so you can outline those factors,
       casual es each year. 60% of accidents result in death and 40% of the   including the impact of colonialism on trade and the
       vic ms are children. Laos has suffered more than half of the cluster bomb
       casual es in the world. It is the poorest districts in Laos which are o en   exploitation of natural resources (pp.38-39). You should also
                                                                 be able to discuss the different types of aid and their role in
       the most contaminated with UXO. A er 40 years, less than 1% of the
                                                                 both promoting and hindering development (pp.40-41).
       bombs have been cleared. The USA was never officially at war with Laos.


       Many factors contribute to a country’s economic development.
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