Page 13 - pwm-brandbook-2018
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                5 . 1   C o l o r   P h i l o s o p h y                                                                                                                                                           5 . 2   P r i m a r y   C o l o r   P a l e t t e

                              The colors used in the logo fulfill the requirement of being gender                                                                                                                               The Paula White color palette is designed for specific uses to maintain

                              neutral and secularly appealing. The Blue and Green will function                                                                                                                                 consistency and the integrity of the brand. In order to reproduce digital

                              well amongst other colors, and stand out nicely in print, web, and                                                                                                                                and print color most accurately, follow the CMYK, RGB and HEX color

                              television.                                                                                                                                                                                       formulas listed below.

                5 . 3   C o l o r s

                                                                                                         5.1.1 Full Color Print/CMYK                                                                                                                                                5.1.3 Screen and Web/HEX

                                                                                                         B L U E  (at 100% Tint) — C = 0.4608, M = 0.3039, Y= 0, K = 0.2000                                                                                                         B L U E  (at 100% Tint) — #6E8ECC

                                                                                                         LIGHT BLUE (at 100% Tint) — C = 0.4115, M =  0.2727, Y = 0, K = 0.1804                                                                                                     LIGHT B L U E  (at 100% Tint) — #7B98D1

                                                                                                         G R E E N  (at 100% Tint) — C = 0.1912, M = 0, Y= 0.5490, K = 0.2000                                                                                                       G R E E N  (at 100% Tint) — #A5CC5C

                                                                                                         5.1.2 Screen and Web/RGB

                                                                                                         B L U E  (at 100% Tint) — R = 110, G = 142, B = 209

                                                                                                         LIGHT BLUE (at 100% Tint) – R =123, G =152, B =209

                                                                                                         G R E E N  (at 100% Tint) — R = 165, G = 204, B = 92
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