Page 4 - pwm-brandbook-2018
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1 . 1 I n t r o d u c t i o n
Paula White Ministries logo is a symbol representing our ministry’s vision and philosophy. The sections that follow provide clear guidelines for its usage and application. To ensure that the Paula White Ministries
brand appears powerfully and consistently, please adhere to these guidelines so that standards can be rigorously maintained. These are essential yet simple rules that are easy to follow. Applied appropriately,
they help us to maintain our commitment to excellence in everything we do.
1 . 2 A b o u t T h e B r a n d
A brand is not a logo or a graphics package; rather it is the impressions that people have in their hearts and minds about a particular product or service. You might say it is the way they feel about that brand.
With that said, branding efforts need to start with the reality of the brand (the positioning statement) and then create expressions of that truth (logos, graphics, etc.) that are in harmony with that truth.
Furthermore, those brand expressions can be used to emphasize desired qualities, and downplay or eliminate qualities that are not desired. There are many ways to express a particular brand position, but once
an appropriate brand style is established, it is important to be consistent with that style. Every expression of the brand should contribute positively to the cumulative impression of the brand.
1 . 3 B r a n d T o n e o f V o i c e
We do not confuse the tone of voice with the message. It is the delivery of the message that reflects the tone of voice. Our brand’s tone of voice has authority but it conveys it like a trusted and experienced
confidant providing comfort and advice to a friend in need over a cup of coffee. Our brand tone of voice incorporates light humor blended with a warm and friendly smile, with a touch of charming wit, while
still maintaining her high level of ethics. Our brand tone of voice is understanding, caring, kind and forgiving. Our tone of voice speaks on many subjects such as Spiritual, Lifestyle, Charitable Causes, and
Women’s Issues.
1 . 4 P a u l a W h i t e D i r e c t T o n e o f V o i c e
Paula White speaks in contemporary vernacular to contemporary audience. She projects authenticity, sincerity, empathy, and understanding of contemporary lifestyle. She has beauty, charm, warmth,
enthusiasm, passion, compassion and fun personality. She is fresh and original. Her appearance and her style of speaking has popular familiarities that help contemporary audiences open up to her modern
message. She comes across as an authentic personality speaking from extensive personal experience, who understands the realities of the modern lifestyle and the difficult circumstances that occur in everyday
life. Paula White has an intuitive understanding and provides the spiritual tools of what it takes to withstand daily temptations and succeed in overcoming obstacles through faith in Jesus Christ. Ultimately,
Paula White’s goal is to empower everyone become all that God has destined them to be.