Page 6 - pwm-brandbook-2018
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2 . 1 P o s i t i o n i n g S t a t e m e n t 2 . 2 T a r g e t A u d i e n c e
Paula White motivates people to find personal empowerment to Individuals who recognize that they have troubles in their personal
heal their pain, to restore their lives, to fulfill their destiny, and to lives and are open to the possibility that things could be better.
be more than they ever thought they could be. Her beauty, Paula’s message and media offerings should cross racial boundaries,
transparency, empathy, and vernacular speaking style help today’s and appeal to both women and men. The goal is to target females
audiences open up to her message. Paula is an authentic, of the millennial group with crossover between the millennials and
approachable person, who has walked in the shoes of many of the gen X. Gen Z will want to emulate the millennials, where as the
hurting people in the world. As Paula once was, there are lost babyboomers will want to take on the attributes of Gen X.
individuals who will be attracted by the fresh, clean and stylized
image of the new brand.
2 . 3 Y o u r M i s s i o n
Your mission is to produce media products that communicate the same as Paula White does on- screen and off-screen. She does not wish to appeal and preach to
just the Christian community, but instead all those who are hurting… Christian or not. Allow yourself to ingest secular media, and research what works in the “real
world” and apply it to the work you do for Paula White ministries.