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Discover Redlands Country Club
Drive to Equity Membership Agreement
Conditions of Preview Membership Relationship:
I, _______________________________________________, hereby apply to preview the Equity membership.
I understand there shall be no initial initiation fee due upon submission of my Application for Membership,
in conjunction with my preview membership term as outlined herein. By electing to join in a preview relationship,
I agree to the following terms and conditions as they relate to joining the membership of Redlands Country Club:
1. Commitment to membership for a minimum preview term extending to the last day of the twelfth month
after this agreement has been signed. For agreements signed in...
• February 2018, the preview term ends February 28, 2019.
• March 2018, the preview term ends March 31, 2019.
• April 2018, the preview term end April 30, 2019.
2. Termination of privileges or membership purchase at the conclusion of the preview membership term.
After my minimum preview term has concluded, all of my privileges there under shall terminate unless I elect to
do one of the following:
a. Pay the preferred membership initiation fee of $5,500 on/or before April 15, 2018.
b. Pay the preferred membership initiation fee in stages; to wit: $2,750 remitted on or before April 15,
2018; and $2,750 remitted on or before June 15, 2018.
c. Pay the regular membership initiation fee of $7,500 before the conclusion of my preview term.
I understand that in the event I have made any partial payment toward my initiation fee, for instance a first stage
remittance, and have not concluded payments under options (a) or (b) above, I must pay any remaining difference
to total $7,500 by expiration of my preview term, if I wish to remain in the membership.