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Redlands Country Club

        I am under no obligation to pay this remaining balance of the initiation; but would be obligated to pay dues, fees,
        and charges as outlined in section 3. above. In this instance, Redlands Country Club will not refund any initiation
        amount already paid.

        Furthermore, I understand that if I choose the option described in 2.c. above, I am obligated to pay the initiation
        fee only if I wish to remain in the membership after the conclusion of my 12-month preview period, but would be
        obligated to pay dues, fees, and charges as outlined in section 4. above.

        8.  Participation in the Napa Wine and Golf Trip. I understand that the opportunity drawing for the wine and
        golf trip has applicable rules, including but not limited to, the fact that every new preview member and every ex-
        isting member referring new members under this program, will receive entries into the drawing. A total of 15 new
        preview members must have signed membership agreements by 5:00 p.m. on April 30, 2018 for the opportuni-
        ty-drawing contest to continue. One entry will be drawn after that date at a reception event with members present
        to determine the winner. Attendance at the event is not necessary to win. The winning member (either existing
        member or new preview member) will win the trip for four persons/two couples. The winner may take whomever
        they like. Redlands Country Club further reserves the right to modify the itinerary and trip events as deemed nec-
        essary by the club.

        9.  Final interpretation. The club reserves the right to make final decisions pertaining to all matters regarding the
        “Drive to Equity” preview membership initiative, including but not limited to extending the program’s April 30th
        expiration date or terminating the program early.

        10.  Credit card authorization for past due accounts. I agree to maintain a current credit card account on file with
        the Club at all times (as provided below). Should my account become delinquent, I agree the Club shall have the
        right to bill such past-due amounts to my credit card. I understand that this credit card record may be destroyed
        after I pay an initiation fee in full and become a regular equity member.

                Applicant’s Name:


                Date:                                              RCC Member #:

                Card Type:                                         Account Number:

                3 Digit Security Number:                          Expiration Date:

                                             Redlands Country Club

                                         1749 Garden Street • Redlands, CA • 92373
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