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Nutrition NOte:
Carbohydrates are the main source of calories
in a healthy diet and the primary fuel for EXAMPLES OF COMPLEX
the brain and muscles. With carbohydrates CARBOHYDRATES ARE:
making up 45 to 65 percent of your daily
calories, choosing the best carbohydrate
sources is essential. There are two categories • Whole grains
of carbohydrates: complex carbohydrates and • Legumes
simple carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates • Brown rice
are considered a better choice and should • Fresh fruit
make up the majority of the carbohydrates • Ancient grains
you consume.
• Popcorn
Complex carbohydrates provide long term,
sustainable energy and are nutrient-dense. • Whole wheat bread
They are high in fi ber, which can help you • Oats
feel more satisfi ed after and between meals, • Quinoa
resulting in better weight control. They take • Starchy vegetables like
longer to digest, help maintain energy levels, corn, potatoes, peas
and support heart health. Also, because
the grain has not been “stripped” during
manufacturing, it provides more vitamins and
minerals, antioxidants, and lots of fi ber.
As the world of non-dairy milk options Based on the type of base, the nutrient
continues to evolve, the types of plant-based content will vary widely compared to
yogurts are also increasing in number in yogurts containing milk. A Greek option will
grocery store refrigerators. Typically these provide more protein than a regular yogurt
yogurts include one of the following plant- selection. Be sure to read labels to make sure
based items: almond, cashew, oat, or cassava the choices are free from allergens if you or
root. Each manufacturing company uses someone you know has food allergies.
a di erent base or several di erent ones to
create a yogurt with a similar texture and taste Source:
to dairy options. Because yogurt choice is a
personal preference, you should try various vegan-yogurt
brands to determine what your palate prefers.