Page 6 - BrockCoNewsletterJulyAugust-2021.indd
P. 6


        Every year, the second week of August is   music and dancing in the kitchen, or having
        designated as Exercise with Your Child Week.   a catch with a ball in the yard. Encouraging
        This observance started in 2010 to promote   children to move their bodies with purpose
        family wellness. Placing the spotlight on   can lead to a lifetime of being active,
        these activities encourages families to   physically fi t, and having an overall healthy
        participate in physical fi tness and have fun   body and mind. Perhaps these exercise
        while staying active together. This practice   sessions will help a child discover a love for
        can help children have fun, be a confi dence   a sport that they never knew they liked, or
        builder, teach  them  the  importance  of   they may pick up a hobby that involves being
        physical activity, and contribute to mental   physically active. Plan your exercise today!
        well-being.                          Source:
        Exercising  does not have  to  be  running  a
        marathon or starting a vigorous exercise   exercise-with-your-child-week-2nd-week-in-
        routine. It can be as simple as taking the dog   august/
        for a walk around the block, turning up the

        A ergen Awarene : PEANUTS
        Peanuts are the second most common food   products. Some foods have hidden sources of
        allergen in the adult population and the most   peanuts: Asian food, nut butter (sometimes
        common in children under 18. Interestingly   they are processed on machines that process
        enough, 20% of children will outgrow a peanut   peanuts), candy, chili, pancakes, sunfl ower
        allergy. If you have this allergy, it is important   seeds, pet food, marzipan, and vegetarian food
        to avoid all forms of peanuts, foods processed   products.  Look  for  these  keywords  on  food
        in a plant that processes nuts, or foods that   labels: arachis oil, lupin, or peanut protein
        contain nut ingredients. Peanuts do not fall in   hydrolysate to avoid a potential reaction.
        the category of tree nuts. Peanuts are grown   Remember to read food labels and ask
        in the ground and are similar to the legume   questions about ingredients before eating any
        family. Occasionally a person with a peanut   item you have not prepared yourself.
        allergy may react to a legume. Reactions to a
        peanut allergy can be mild or severe and could   Source:
        require an EpiPen .        
        If you or someone you know has a peanut   allergens/peanut
        allergy, it is important to read food labels
        and be aware of what ingredients are in food
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