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Nutrition NOte:                                                           ask the rdN:

                                                                                  IS IT TRUE THAT IT IS BAD TO SNACK
        There are two major categories found in   nutrient content and more fi ber. Processing   BEFORE BEDTIME?
        the Grains or Starches food group. Foods   of the grain removes several important parts   It depends. Snacking on high sugar or high
        found in this category are typically whole-  of the grain, causing it to be less nutritious   saturated-fat foods is not a good idea, but if
        grains or refi ned grains. Whole-grains are   and contain less fi ber if any. The more   your choice contains whole-grains and protein
        a better choice and should make up the   processing a grain undergoes, there are   or whole-grains and a healthy source of fat
        majority of the starches you have in your   fewer benefi ts of eating that grain. Think of   (like avocado, nuts, or seeds), it is. Keep
        diet.  Refi ned  grains  are  everywhere  in   it this way; if you are eating a starch and it   in mind, the longer we go without fueling

        foods, but knowing the di erence can help   is the color white, like pasta, rice or bread,   our  body,  the  sooner  the  onset  of  slower
        you make healthier choices.         you are getting calories from those foods   metabolism. It is important to remember to
        Foods with minimal processing tend to   but no health benefi ts. If you eat food   eat three meals daily and have healthy snacks
        contain whole-grains. They include cereal,   that is brown or speckled with grains, like   in between. Maintaining this schedule keeps
        whole-grain  bread, crackers, and  snacks.   whole-grain bread, brown rice, or whole-  your  metabolism  running  and  helps  you

        Whole-grain products have all of the parts   wheat pasta, you are getting several benefi ts   to burn calories more e  ciently. With the
        of the grain intact, which results in higher   and increase your nutrient intakes.  window between a bedtime snack and your
                                                                                  breakfast  meal  shorter, you can keep that
                                                                                  metabolism running full speed.
                        WHOLE GRAINS VS REFINED GRAINS
                                                                                  WHAT TYPES OF SUGAR ARE NOT
                    CHOOSE THIS                   INSTEAD OF THIS
                                                                                  CONSIDERED ADDED SUGAR?
              •  Whole-grain Bread or Rolls      •  White Bread or Rolls          When it comes to sugar, not all sugars are
                                                                                  created equal. Sugar found in fruits and
              •  Brown Rice                      •  White Rice
                                                                                  unsweetened  dairy products  is considered
              •  Popcorn                         •  Pretzels
                                                                                  a natural sugar and does not contribute
              •  Tortilla Chips                  •  Potato Chips                  to adverse health e ects. Added sugars in

              •  Quinoa                          •  Couscous                      processed foods or table sugar contribute to
              •  Triscuits                       •  Saltines                      increased chances of developing long-term
                                                                                  health problems. Although maple sugar and
              •  Cheerios                        •  Rice Krispies
                                                                                  honey exist in nature, these sweeteners act like
                                                                                  added sugars in the body. When looking for
                                                                                  something sweet to eat, choosing a product
                                                                                  that already contains natural sugar, like fruit
                                                                                  or unsweetened dairy products are best.

                                                                                  IS THERE ANYTHING THAT I
                                                                                  CAN INCLUDE IN MY DIET THAT
                                                                                  WILL HELP ME SLEEP BETTER OR
                                                                                  INCREASE MY FOCUS?
                                                                                  Your brain craves nutrients found in certain
                                                                                  foods. Foods found in the brassicas family—
                                                                                  cabbage, kale, and caulifl ower—can help with
                                                                                  memory and brainpower because they contain
                                                                                  sulforaphane, which helps keep the brain
                                                                                  focused. If you are craving sleep, try increasing
                                                                                  your intake of foods containing tryptophan,
                                                                                  like chickpeas. Regularly including them in
                                                                                  your diet or eating hummus can help you
                                                                                  catch some zzz’s.

                                                                                  Have a question? Send it to
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