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spice it up: RAS EL HANOUT
You are probably saying to yourself, what on Typical uses include marinating, a rub for
earth is ras el hanout? Well, it is a spice that meat, infusing fl avor to soups or
is made up of several other spices to create a stews, mixing into plain Greek
spice blend typically used in North African yogurt and using as a dip,
or Middle Eastern dishes. Because it contains or sprinkling on some air-
all of the best spices that the spice shop has popped popcorn for an
to o er, its nickname is “Head of the Shop.” unusual snack. It is a spice
you should try, and it might
Spices found in ras el hanout can include
cardamom, clove, cinnamon, coriander, just become a staple in your
cumin, mace, nutmeg, paprika, peppercorn, spice cabinet after enjoying
and turmeric. Based on the list of these its exotic fl avor profi le.
spices, you might be expecting a spicy fl avor; Source:
however, this spice is known more for its
warm, pungent taste with sweet accents. hanout-60960
Trend Watch:
Your kitchen is the hub of the house, and you are low on a product, like milk, cheese,
even more so, as smart kitchen products or lunch meat. These refrigerators become
come into play. Smart technology and the heart of the kitchen with organizational
updated appliances will become the brains tools like a whiteboard to list groceries, but
of your kitchen. This shift will allow without the clutter of magnets and notes, as
you to focus on the important things, well as compatible home cameras, lights, and
like shopping for healthy food products doorbells.
and creating a nutritious meal for your Consumers are also seeking products that
family. This kind of innovative technology combine functions, like smart ovens, that
connects with your smartphone to easily perform many cooking techniques, such as
manage your household.
grilling, air frying, toasting, and dehydrating
The recent crop of Wi-Fi-connected smart in addition to old-fashioned baking and
speakers are perfect for the kitchen. Most have broiling, without having many di erent
a keyword or a catchphrase that you speak to appliances cluttering the counter top.
it, and in turn, it will search and reply to you. Look for upcoming smart technology
These devices can answer questions, recite appliances that fi t the needs of your home
recipes, create a grocery list, play music, and while performing several functions.
read the news - among many other tasks.
Pioneering new appliances by various makers Source:
allow you to track your smart refrigerator
groceries via an app and inform you when