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Fitne  F us: TABATA
        Pump up your summer fi tness routine with   a group; however, each exercise should be

        Tabata! Curated by Japanese scientists,   performed as a set to guarantee e ectiveness.
        this form of high-intensity interval training   There is no special equipment aside from

        (HIIT) is a short and e ective workout.   sneakers required for Tabata. A workout mat
        With each exercise only lasting four minutes,   may be of benefi t to ensure a sturdy grip
        this workout is perfect for someone with a   for fl oor exercises. You can perform Tabata
        busy schedule. Tabata is very versatile as   anywhere. From a home gym or living room
        the workout consists of multiple exercises   to a fi tness center or local gym, this workout
        adapting to any part of the body. Pushups,   is exceptionally versatile.
        burpees, squats, and mountain climbers are
        great examples of activities to incorporate.   Tabata is full of health benefi ts, including an
                                             increase in aerobic and anaerobic capacities, a
        Each repetition lasts twenty seconds,   faster metabolism, and body fat loss. Catered
        repeated eight times total with a ten-second   towards  muscle  toning  and  improved
        break in between. Follow this same routine   endurance, Tabata is excellent for anyone in
        for the remaining three exercises, with a   need of a heart-pumping workout!
        minute’s rest after every eight sets. Each
        Tabata session should include four individual   Source:
        activities. Complete this workout solo, or in tness/articles/what-is-tabata-training

        On The Rise: HEALTHY OILS

        When it comes to cooking and baking, some   at room temperature versus using something   Try any or all of these
        oils are healthier than others. It is important   solid, like butter in cooking, can keep the dish   healthier oils when
        to place the focus on how the body digests   healthier. Switching to oils can increase your   cooking or baking:
        and absorbs the oils used in food preparation.   intake of healthy fats, like monounsaturated
                                             and polyunsaturated fats. Fats that are solid     • Canola
        A recent trend in the foodservice industry                                  • Corn
        focuses on healthy fats versus less-healthy   at room temperature, like butter or margarine
        options, and the same applies to oils.   and  coconut  oil,  contain  high amounts  of     • Olive
                                             saturated fats, which can result in higher     • Peanut
        Oils are categorized based on the saturated   intakes of unhealthy fats.

        fats they contain per serving. In general, oils                             • Sa  ower
        that contain less than 4 grams of saturated fat   Healthy oils are excellent substitutes for their     • Soybean
        per serving (per tablespoon) are considered a   fi rmer counterparts in any recipe or to coat     • Sunfl ower
        “better for you fat” or healthy cooking oil.   cooking pans or skillets. When substituting
                                             ingredients, be sure to choose an oil that   Source:
        As a general rule, the more solid something   does not have a strong fl avor, so it does not
        is at room temperature, the less healthy it is   change the result of the recipe. Otherwise,   eat-smart/fats/healthy-cooking-oils
        for you to consume. Oils that remain liquid   substitution is fair game.
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