Page 3 - ROOT by Brock MarApr2020
P. 3
Nutrition NOte: ADDED SUGARS ask the rdN:
The new laws coming into effect for distinguish between which food brands IS IT OK FOR ME TO DRINK CAFFEINE?
nutrition labels include added sugars contain added sugars and which do not. Drinking small amounts of caffeine is
because they affect the body differently For example, one brand of whole wheat acceptable as long as you do not have a heart
than natural sugars. It is important to bread may contain added sugar, whereas condition. Limiting caffeine to less than 400
understand the difference between added another brand may not. milligrams per day has been noted to be
sugars and natural sugars. Added sugars are Students and females should consume less acceptable per studies. However, depending
those that have been added to a food during than 24 grams of added sugar daily, and on the individual, caffeine has been related
the manufacturing process. Natural sugars men should consume less than 36 grams. to insomnia, increased anxiety, and a racing
are those sugars that exist in food naturally Increased consumption of added sugars heart. Being in tune with your body and how
without being added during processing. has been closely linked to developing caffeine affects you will dictate how much
Unlike added sugars, natural sugars are not long-term health problems such as heart caffeine you can tolerate.
linked to adverse health effects. disease and obesity. Please note: there is no
Most foods have the potential for restriction on the amount of natural sugars I SEE ADDED PROTEIN ON THE
containing added sugars. From bread to that should be consumed; however, they INGREDIENT LISTS OF SOME FOODS
frozen dinner meals, being aware of added do contain calories, so for someone who is THAT DO NOT USUALLY HAVE
sugar is extremely important. Reading trying to maintain or control their weight, PROTEIN IN THEM. WHAT KINDS
labels and looking for added sugar can help these calories should be monitored. OF THINGS ARE BEING ADDED TO
NATURAL VS. ADDED SUGARS EXAMPLES Many foods have added proteins to increase
protein content. Some of the sources of
NATURAL SUGARS ADDED SUGARS protein include whey protein, soy protein, and
• Fresh, frozen, and • Table sugar pea protein. All of these added protein sources
canned fruit in water • Raw sugar have pros and cons associated with them. It is
• Starchy vegetables such • Brown sugar important to be sure you are consuming foods
as potatoes or corn naturally high in protein such as lean meats,
• Honey
• 100% fruit juice fish and seafood, low-fat dairy products, nuts
• Maple syrup
• Sugars found in or seeds, grains like quinoa or buckwheat, and
unsweetened dairy • High fructose corn soy protein. By including these foods in your
products syrup (HFCS)
diet regularly, you should be able to meet
• Agave
your protein needs without requiring protein
The ingredients list on food labels is now
highlighting some items due to a new
labeling law designed to inform consumers
about additives and preservatives added to
their foods. BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene)
is a lab-made chemical added to foods as a
preservative. Being educated about these
preservatives can help when making decisions
about foods that you are purchasing and
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