Page 2 - BrockCoNewsletterMay June-2021
P. 2
SEAsonal highLIghts: BARBECUE
The word “barbecue” has several meanings. It are used interchangeably; however, there is a
can be a cooking method, a style of cooking, or big difference. When cooking items on a grill,
a seasoning used to cook. As a cooking form, it it involves higher temperatures at a faster
offers versatility, freedom from a hot kitchen, time. Conversely, barbecuing is the art of slow
and allows you the ability to experiment with cooking meats (or other foods) on the grill
foods on the grill. The definition of the verb, for long periods at lower temperatures. This
barbecuing, is as simple as this: cooking food cooking style adds levels of flavor, tenderizes
(meat, fish, or other food) on a grill. the meat, and provides a mouthwatering
With the weather transitioning to warmer, experience. The next time you plan an
longer days, the desire to be outside more outdoor cooking session, consider taking all
often grows. Being anywhere outside for day to cook your favorite meat or meatless
mealtime can be one of the most enjoyable entrée, and call it a barbecue!
experiences as the sun warms the air. Cooking Source:
on the grill can provide an alternative to
using the stove and offer a quick cleanup
after finishing your meal.
Sometimes the words grilling and barbecuing
A member of the rose family, the garden than an orange!), a good source of
strawberry, was first bred in Brittany, manganese, and also provides folate (Vitamin
France, in the 1750s. Before this, wild B9) and potassium in lesser amounts. As
strawberries were the common source of the they are also rich in antioxidants and a good
fruit. Native Americans were already eating amount of fiber, strawberries may benefit
strawberries when the Colonists arrived. The heart health. Since their total carb content
crushed berries were mixed with cornmeal is very low, they can also assist in controlling
and baked into strawberry bread. After trying blood sugar.
this bread, Colonists developed their version Strawberries are very perishable and require
of the recipe, and Strawberry Shortcake, a cool, dry storage. The main enemy of
traditional American dessert, was born.
fresh, succulent strawberries is moisture, so
The fruit is widely appreciated for its eradicate that with paper towels. To properly
characteristic aroma, bright red color, juicy store strawberries in the refrigerator, place Sources:
texture, and sweetness. It is consumed in them in a plastic storage container lined
large quantities, either fresh or in prepared with paper towels. The towels will absorb
foods as jam, jellies, juice, and a wide variety any remaining moisture and prevent mold. strawberries
of desserts. Strawberry flavorings and aromas Interestingly enough, from a botanical
are also widely used in products such as point of view, the strawberry is not, a berry.
candy, soap, lip gloss, candles, and perfume. Instead, it is considered an “accessory fruit”; strawberries-and-keep-em-fresh
Strawberries are an excellent source of but strawberries are an excellent addition to a
Vitamin C (one cup of strawberries has more healthy diet no matter the classification!