Page 4 - BrockCoNewsletterMay June-2021
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Did you know that cinnamon is found in the with exaggerated inflammatory responses. It
genus Cinnamomum and derived from tree can contribute to preventing heart disease and
bark? It is an aromatic spice with many uses. may have a role in lowering blood sugar levels
You can purchase it dried in powdered or stick and having some anti-microbial effects. There
form to enhance both foods and beverages. is no recommended amount of cinnamon
It flavors breakfast dishes, baked goods, and to consume, but consuming large amounts
snack foods, and provides its scent to candles of cinnamon is cautioned against. General
and air fresheners. Interestingly, Indonesia guidelines for consuming this spice are ½ to
and China produce over 75% of the world’s 1 teaspoon of the powdered form daily as an
supply of cinnamon. acceptable intake. See the From the Kitchen
recipe that combines cinnamon and this
It also possesses some health benefits when
consumed regularly. Cinnamon is packed month’s Produce Pick, strawberries.
with several antioxidants that can help fight Sources:
off free radicals in the body that can destroy
healthy cells. It also possesses some anti- articles/266069#nutrition
inflammatory properties that can help those
There is a great kitchen gadget that can turn spiralizers that use your muscles to make the
your favorite vegetables into noodles! It is noodles or other tabletop models that can
called a spiralizer. This kitchen tool has thin be plugged in and make the noodles for you.
blades attached to a spiraling mechanism that Spiralized noodles are a great way to add
creates long thin noodles out of almost any vegetables to your diet but can also offer an
vegetable. It can take vegetables like carrots, alternative for higher carbohydrate dishes
zucchini, squash, broccoli, and peppers and like pasta or store-bought French fries. The
turn them into noodles!
noodles can add texture and a new flavor
Most spiralizers have different settings that profile to almost any meal. This fun way of
can make thick, thin, or flat noodles offering substituting vegetable varieties can increase
a great variety. Depending on the vegetable your produce consumption and help you
and their use, the options are endless. get all of your body’s vitamins and minerals
Spiralizing machines come in several by increasing the amount of fiber you eat.
different versions. There are handheld Try using a spiralizer today!