Page 5 - BrockCoNewsletterMay June-2021
P. 5

Nutrition NOte:


        The world of veganism is evolving with our
        ever-changing world. Vegetarians typically
        eat plant-based foods, such as carbohydrates
        or starches, produce, dairy and eggs. Are you
        someone who generally follows a vegetarian
        diet but will OCCASIONALLY eat meat
        or fish? If yes, then you are considered a
        flexitarian — a semi-vegetarian.
        There is no standard defining how many
        times or how frequently a flexitarian can or
        should  eat  meat  or  fish; it  just  focuses  on
        being “flexible” with consuming these items
        occasionally. With an emphasis on eating
        mostly plant-based foods, it is considered the
        most adaptable form of veganism. But it still
        does allow for those who sometimes partake
        in  eating meat-based products, including
        meat itself.

        New labels denoting genetically modified   If a food contains a genetically modified
        organisms (GMO) used in food processing   organism or a bi-product of one, the food
        began appearing on foods containing   package will be required to have this label
        these ingredients in 2020. Typically highly   indicating the presence. After 2022, if a
        processed foods will now have labels that   processed or packaged food DOES NOT have
        can help the consumer understand if   this label, then that shows it does not contain
        that item includes genetically modified   ANY genetically modified organisms. This
        ingredients.  All  foods  will  be  required to   labeling will provide a standard indicator for   Sources:
        have these labels by the year 2022.   the consumer to choose foods and monitor
                                             their GMO consumption.               fact-sheet-national-bioengineered-food-
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