Page 60 - Time_International_2019
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         in wars against terrorist groups with no       director of the Kurdish government’s           schoolrooms or wedding halls, they were
         fixed address. The territory ISIS briefly      kidnapped affairs department. As ISIS          singled out and taken away      with other
         did claim as a state served to enhance its     retreated from its last redoubt, around        boys for religious indoctrination and
         attraction as something more difficult to      3,000 were still missing.                      military training. Around the age of 13,
         confront: a global movement. Thus the             Some survivors tell how their Arab          the unlucky ones were sent to fight.
         question that now preoccupies counter-         neighbors joined ISIS to seize their              Thikran Kamiran, 19, described the
         terrorism officials: What devotion does        lands, kill their loved ones and drive         moment ISIS arrived in his large north-
         the group retain among the 8 million           them out. Hundreds of thousands now            ern village and tricked his grandfather,
         Iraqis and  Syrians it ruled at the height     live in refugee camps, in the homes of         the village leader, into gathering every-
         of its power, the estimated 40,000 peo-        relatives or in drafty, half- constructed      one together in the school courtyard,
         ple who traveled from elsewhere to join        buildings at the edges of Kurdish towns        allegedly for safe passage out if they
         its caliphate and the millions around the      and villages. They say they don’t trust        chose not to convert to Islam.
         globe who may be entertaining its ex-          the Iraqi government to protect them              ISIS fighters led the Yezidi men and
         treme vision of Islam?                         from the next attempt at genocide, and         older boys away in three truckloads,
            And what will become of the        thou-    many are seeking sanctuary in Canada,          supposedly carrying them to safety at
         sands of youngsters press-ganged into          Germany, Australia or anywhere else            nearby Sinjar mountain. Thikran, then
         ISIS’s forces in northern Iraq? The ter-       that will have them.                           15, was with his mother and sister,
         rorists separated Yezidi children from            The scattering will make it harder          cowering in the school courtyard, when
         their families, sometimes killing their        for their tribe to survive. The ancient        they heard thundering volleys of gunfire
         parents in front of them. In the soil of       Yezidi religion is inherited through           in the distance. The ISIS fighters told
         that trauma, they planted the idea that        birth, based on bloodlines via the father,     the panicked women and children that
         the boys were the future army      of ISIS,    and the tribe is divided into three castes     it was just animals, but everyone knew
         indoctrinating them with the arrogance         that cannot intermarry. Shrinking the          their husbands, brothers and sons had
         of conquerors. They laced the boys’ food       available pool makes the survival of the       just been killed.
         with Captagon, an amphetamine, to dull         faith even    harder—one more reason              The ISIS fighters saved Thikran’s
         their fear and trained some as suicide         the boys who were taken, then brought          grandfather for last, letting him listen
         attackers. Many more were sent to the          back, need to be healed and woven back         in horror to that gunfire and realize he’d
         front lines where fighting was bloodiest,      into the fabric of their community.            led his people into a trap, before taking
         forced to wear suicide belts at all times,        TIME met a number of survivors,             him outside and shooting him too.
         with instructions to blow themselves up        interviewing several older boys exten-            That’s the day Thikran learned to hide
         if the enemy got too close.                    sively about their time with ISIS. Those       his anger and fear. He was taken with his
            Each of these boys could grow up to         under 18 were asked limited questions,         mother and sister to the ISIS strong-
         become a threat to thousands, and each         with guardians or caregivers present.          hold of Tal Afar, and sent to an Islamist
         must be healed. In Iraq,      some 1,500          Every boy’s story starts the same way.      school to study the Quran from sunrise to
         Sunni Muslim children ages 13 to 17 are        They tell you the moment ISIS attacked         sometimes well after sunset. He said he
         being held, charged with being mem-            and their fathers, brothers or uncles          learned to recite the Quran and ISIS ide-
         bers of ISIS, according to Human Rights        were taken away. Sometimes they were           ology better than his peers—so well that
         Watch. Hundreds of others have re-             permitted to stay with their mother and        his ISIS overseer offered to make him an
         turned to live with relatives, bearing the     sisters for a while, but somewhere along       instructor, though he turned that “pro-
         scars of battle, inside and out.               their journey, moved like cattle from          motion” down. He said his scholarship is
            The Yezidi boys like S. now occupy                                                         why he never had to fight.
         the gray zone between guilty and forgot-                                                         “We converted to Islam and told
         ten. No one experienced the violence of                                                       them ‘We will obey you,’” he said. “I
         ISIS as they did. It came from every side.                                                    made that sacrifice to protect myself
                                                                                                       and my family.” He doesn’t feel guilty for
         The NiNeveh PlaiN, which extends                                                              playing along, he says; he “feels noth-
         north and east of the city of Mosul,                                                          ing,” a frequent answer from many of
         has for centuries been a kind of               EACH OF THESE BOYS                             the boys. Burying anger, pain and fear
         showcase for ancient faiths: Assyrian,                                                        was a survival skill. Reactivating emo-
         Chaldean, Syriac. Yet there the perhaps        COULD GROW UP TO                               tion means facing grief over loved ones
         half- million Yezidi believers were such                                                      killed, guilt over anyone they may have
         frequent targets of persecution that the  BECOME A THREAT                                     killed or whatever else they did to re-

         group’s elders speak of 72 “genocides”                                                        main alive. So they stay numb.
         even before   ISIS swept over the entire TO THOUSANDS,                                           The Yezidi child soldiers were often
         region in 2014. The extremists displaced                                                      grouped together with others of their
         around half the Yezidis, killing, AND EACH MUST                                               tribe, yet ISIS trainers also worked to

         capturing and enslaving more than                                                             break down any connection among               MAGNUM PHOTOS
         6,000, according to Hussein al-Qaidi, BE HEALED                                               them, by putting one of them in charge

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