Page 65 - Time_International_2019
P. 65


                                                                                                                                       BEYOND WORDS
                                                                                                                  Sairan Khalaf speaks Kurdish; her
                                                                                                                     daughter, 11, knows only Arabic
                                                                                                                        after three years of captivity

          return to S. the control of his body and       their emotions without physically hurt-        some of the values ISIS taught him,
          mind that ISIS had taken from him. At          ing each other.                                telling his therapist, “Men and boys
          the same time, his mother was taught               Now her almost teenage son still gets      we are one lot. Women and girls are
          not to respond to her son’s violence with      angry but doesn’t hit her, the mother          worthless.” But a year after his return
          more of the same. Most tribal families         said. She compliments him on keeping           from ISIS, he helps around the house
          in Iraq hit their children to discipline       his control. He in turn compliments her        and tells his mother that he’s glad he
          them, Adil explained. Both the mother          for the verbal praise.                         came back, because he’s the only man
          and the child learned how to express              The work is not done. S. still holds        the family has left.                      □
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