Page 69 - Time_International_2019
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From left: Morgan, during the game
in which she scored her 100th career
international goal in April; snapping a selfie X
with fans; and celebrating her legendary
goal to beat Canada at the 2012 Olympics
athlete in the world. She starred in a Nick- she says when her driver catches air. All I was really excited because I hadn’t
elodeon movie for kids, Alex & Me; wrote that looms in the background is national been there in four days,” says Morgan.
a series of books for middle schoolers that unity, gender equality and Morgan’s pro- She worries that today’s youth system is
was made into an Amazon TV series; and fessional legacy. “You can’t think about also pricing out potential soccer stars and
has shared a stage with Taylor Swift. it,” she says. “But you can’t not.” is counter productive to America’s future
But Morgan, who in April joined Hamm competitiveness.
and Wambach as the youngest U.S. players Leading the fight for equal pay Morgan’s speed and knack for scor-
to score 100 career international goals, has in sports was far from the mind of the ing earned her a soccer scholarship to
never dominated the World Cup. She was 8-year-old Morgan when she left a Post-it the University of California, Berkeley,
a breakout rookie in a losing effort in 2011, for her mother, Pam, at their home in where she graduated with a degree in po-
and was hobbled by injuries in 2015 when Diamond Bar, Calif., a suburb east of Los litical economy and met her future hus-
Carli Lloyd’s heroics powered the U.S. to Angeles. “Hi Mommy!” Morgan wrote on band, Los Angeles Galaxy midfielder Ser-
victory. This year is the best chance for a note Pam still has. “My name is Alex and vando Carrasco, who also played for the
America’s best player to make her mark on I am going to be a professional athlete for school. Morgan excelled on the pitch for
the world’s most prestigious tournament— soccer!” She signed it “Ali Cat.” Cal and was named to the U.S. Under-20
while showing that she should be paid the The certainty was surprising. Unlike team, which functions as a feeder for the
same as any man for doing it. most promising young soccer players, top national team. After helping lead the
“We have to do more in general— Morgan avoided the high-pressure South- U.S. to the 2008 Under-20 World Cup title
we have to be the athlete, we have to be ern California youth circuit and played with a brilliant left-footed goal in the final,
the role model, we have to lead the way many different sports as a kid. Her com- Morgan was called up to the senior squad.
for the next generation,” Morgan says. petitiveness was honed in fierce board Her impact was immediate. Morgan
“Are male athletes doing that? Are they games with her parents and two older sis- scored a key goal against Italy to help
thinking about anyone other than them- ters. “Alex strove not to be the loser,” says the U.S. qualify for the 2011 World Cup,
selves? I don’t know. We do have more her father Michael, a retired masonry con- and she emerged as a go-to substitute in
than one job within this role, and are tractor. “Because she knew she was going the tournament. Undaunted by soccer’s
getting paid much less.” to get party-danced around.” biggest stage, Morgan scored in both the
So it’s understandable if the weight Morgan began playing elite travel soc- semis and the finals in her first World
of it all weighs on Morgan as she hacks cer at 14, years after many of her contem- Cup, which the U.S. lost in heartbreak-
away at the driving range. After a few poraries. She credits playing a range of ing fashion to Japan.
crisp swings, she whiffs, missing the ball sports with preventing her from burning The performance endeared Morgan to
completely. “I’m going back to my 7-iron,” out. “When I went to soccer practice, her older teammates, who gave her the