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          world cup 2019

            Despite these gains, the women often        $17,625 for winning an exhibition game,        relying on corporate largess to compen-
         end up with less than the men—and              or friendly, against a top-10 team or Mex-     sate for a cultural double standard is
         that includes the coaches. For the fis-        ico; under the 2017 collective- bargaining     halting progress at best.
         cal year ending in March 2018, women’s         agreement, the women get $8,500 for a             “When I was playing, 75% of my
         head coach Jill Ellis received $318,533        friendly victory over a top-4 team or          money came from endorsements, 25%
         in total compensation—making her the           Canada. Some of the pay gap also comes         came from playing. I would love for that
         10th highest paid employee at U.S. Soc-        from the stark differences in World Cup        to be flipped,” says Hamm. “It’s frustrat-
         cer. Jürgen Klinsmann, who was fired as        performance bonuses from FIFA. FIFA            ing that we’re still having these conversa-
         U.S. men’s coach in 2016, still received       awarded $9 million to the U.S. after the       tions. I’m proud of the women that they’re
         $3.35 million. Bruce Arena, who replaced       men reached the round of 16 in the 2014        saying we’re not taking no for an answer.”
         Klinsmann and oversaw the failed ef-           World Cup, while the federation received          To Morgan, the best way to state her
         fort to qualify for the 2018 World Cup,        $2 million after the women won it all in       case is on the field. She sees another
         got $1.27 million. Even the coach of the       2015. FIFA has attributed these differ-        World Cup win as essential to boosting
         Under-20 men’s team made more than             ences to the larger revenues generated         public support for equal pay. “Seeing
         Ellis. (U.S. Soccer says she has since re-     by the men’s tournament.                       women supporting other women on a
         ceived a six-figure raise that will be dis-       The litigation is expected to take          grander level is pretty unique,” she says.
         closed in next year’s tax filings.)            months to play out. U.S. Soccer is at-         “We need to capitalize on that now.”
            “It’s devastating to see a male coach       tempting to get the case dismissed,               The path to victory in France, how-
         who hasn’t been coach of the men’s team        while the players may try to force a set-      ever, is narrower than ever. The host
         for more than two years still be paid sig-     tlement. Whatever the legal result, the        team is hungry for its first title; the last
         nificantly more than Jill, who has a World     U.S. women have already secured a vic-         time a World Cup was held in France, in
         Cup title on her résumé,” says Morgan.         tory. Their push for more equitable ben-       1998, the men won at home. England,
         “It’s terrible.”                               efits has inspired other female athletes       which reached the semifinals in 2015,
            This long history was on the players’       to fight for their fair share.                 won the SheBelieves Cup in March. And
         minds when they decided to sue their em-          “The women’s soccer team, in my             Japan, which has reached the finals of the
         ployers in an effort to close the pay gap      opinion and the opinion of many of my          past two World Cups, remains a threat.
         once and for all. As the team’s top player     teammates, continues to lead the way in        The U.S. opens against Thailand, on
         and biggest name, Morgan agreed to be          advancing women’s sports,” says Meghan         June 11, and must fare well against the
         listed first in the complaint.                 Duggan, a member of the 2018 Olympic           other teams in its group, Chile and Swe-
            “I’m not sure our team would have           gold medal–winning U.S. hockey team,           den, which is led by former U.S. coach Pia
         done that three months before the World        which threatened to boycott the world          Sundhage, to advance.
         Cup,” says Foudy, who played on the sem-       championships in 2017 unless their pay            To prepare, Morgan has studied video
         inal 1999 U.S. team that won the World         improved. (The team struck a new agree-        of her performances with her personal
         Cup on home soil. “We wouldn’t want all        ment with USA Hockey before the tour-          coach and worked on a bending left-
         that noise. I respect that they’re willing to   nament began.) The U.S. team’s stand          footed shot, from outside the 18-yd. box.
         absorb all that. It’s courageous.”             has set off a chain reaction in women’s        She’s also taking extra care of her body.
            According to the complaint, U.S. Soc-       soccer. The Danish women’s national            When the national team introduced high-
         cer “rejected requests for compensation        team boycotted a World Cup qualify-            tech wristbands to monitor rest quality,
         for the WNT players that would have been       ing match in October 2017; it has since        Morgan ditched the device. “I swear when
         at least equal to that afforded to the male    signed a four-year collective- bargaining      I started wearing it, I stopped sleeping
         MNT players.”                                  agreement that included increased in-          well,” Morgan says. “After two nights, I
            U.S. Soccer has argued that since the       vestment in women’s soccer. After refus-       was like, F this.”
         organization signed different collective-      ing to promote their appearance in the            Back at the driving range, the sky
         bargaining agreements with the men’s and       2017 Euro tournament finals, Scotland’s        clears over the Hudson River as Morgan
         women’s teams, the gender comparisons          female players signed the first collective-    talks about her ability to compartmen-
         are unfair. Women’s national team play-        bargaining agreement with their federa-        talize. Among the things on her mind is
         ers, for example, can now receive salaries     tion. And Norway’s women achieved pay          an ambition to launch a media company
         of around $170,000 from the federation         parity with the men.                           for girls and women who love sports. But
         if they also play in the NWSL, which U.S.                                                     she has balanced performance with the
         Soccer helps finance. The U.S. provides no     in some ways,       the equality fight is      demands of stardom as well as any ath-
         such base pay to the men’s players, since      being won piecemeal. The foodmaker             lete before her. So why not expect more
         they can earn contracts playing in pro         Luna Bar pledged to pay each of the U.S.       of the same this summer? “If we do our
         leagues that are far more lucrative than or-   women who made the World Cup team              job,” she says, “people will be captivated.
         ganizations like the NWSL. According to        $31,250, to make    up for differences in      This can be something greater and bigger
         U.S. Soccer, the men are eligible for higher   roster bonuses. Nike has launched a na-        than there’s ever been before.”
         per-game bonuses because the federation        tional ad campaign called “Dream With             Morgan takes one last swing with her
         pays them on a per-game basis as opposed       Us,” built around Morgan and the wom-          driver. Whack. Her ball flies high and long,
         to a salary. For example, the men receive      en’s team as inspirational figures. Still,     straight toward the sunset.               

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