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world cup 2019
4. Lucy
3. Amandine Bronze
A defender known
FRANCE as the best right
back in the world,
Bronze has helped
While grOWing Up in The England —which
northern French city of Lille, reached the World
Amandine Henry played Cup semis in
against boys until she was 2015 and won the
a teenager. It wasn’t simply SheBelieves tune-
because she was good. Lille, up tournament in
despite a population of more March—become a
than 200,000, didn’t have true contender.
any girls’ leagues.
Times have changed.
Over the past decade, there
has been a surge in female 5. Wang
soccer participation in Shuang
France, thanks in large part
to star players like Henry. CHINA
Asia’s reigning
The 29-year-old captain of player of the
the French national team has year, Wang—a
increased visibility for the creative midfielder
women’s game in her home who plays
country. professionally
Henry, a defensive mid- for Paris Saint-
fielder, nearly quit the sport Germain—in 2018
early in her professional became the first
career: a painful knee in- Chinese player to
jury kept her off the field score a Champions
for a year and a half. She League goal.
recovered and thrived with
Lyon, the top club team in
France. At the 2015 World
Cup, Henry won the Silver 6. Asisat
Ball award as the tourna- Oshoala
ment’s second-best player. it needs to be,” says for- X NIGERIA
Her 30-yd. strike against mer Portland teammate On May 18
Mexico in a group-stage Meghan Klingenberg, ‘AMANDINE GETS THE Oshoala, a forward
game was one of the most who was a member of the who plays for
jaw-dropping goals of the U.S. national team. “She BALL IN THE PLACES IT Barcelona FC,
tournament. (France ad- under stands the flow of NEEDS TO BE. SHE became the first
vanced to the quarterfinals the game, and is a hard- player from Africa
before falling to Germany core winner.” Henry is UNDERSTANDS THE FLOW to score in the
on penalty kicks.) now back with Lyon, Champions League
Henry took her talents which won the Champions OF THE GAME, AND IS A final. Nigeria’s
to the Portland Thorns of League final on May 18. HARD-CORE WINNER.’ Super Falcons face
the National Women’s Soc- Nothing would do a tough opening
cer League. The Thorns won more for the women’s draw against
France, South
the 2017 title. “ Amandine game in France than for Korea and Norway.
gets the ball in the places Henry to lead Les Bleues
to their first World Cup
title on home soil.