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She began meditating and doing yoga, decades. In the early 1990s, the team flew 12
and soon switched to a vegan diet after to a tournament in China in cramped PLAYERS TO WATCH
deciding it was unethical to eat meat. economy seats adjacent to the smoking
Save for exalting the beeflike Impos- section. “We were pretty much smoking 1. Dzsenifer
sible Burger, Morgan couches her new for 13 hours,” says Hamm, who played on Marozsan
regimen as a personal choice and keeps the team from 1987 to 2004. Players recall
the proselytizing to a minimum. But over staying in roach-infested rooms and tak- GERMANY
a dinner of artichokes and stuffed pep- ing the hotel shuttle bus to a game. “We sit
pers in New York, she says the change has now and we have to laugh,” says Hamm. The 27-year-old midfielder
boosted her energy on the field. It’s im- “If you didn’t, you’d cry.” was born in Budapest,
possible to argue with the results: from Conditions for the team have vastly im- but was naturalized in
August 2017 through the end of last year, proved since the 1990s, and U.S. Soccer Germany as a teenager
Morgan scored an incredible 25 goals in has invested far more in women’s soccer after showing early
26 games. She is decidedly no longer Baby than most other countries. But plenty of promise on the pitch. She
Horse. “She has worked to promote the indignities linger. became the youngest
game, promote her team and promote her- At one stop on the 2015 World Cup player in the Bundesliga,
self,” says Hamm, who still casts a long victory tour, a series of 10 exhibition the country’s top league,
shadow over women’s soccer. “She’s done games across the country meant to cele- at 14, and her reputation
an amazing job.” brate the team (and fill U.S. Soccer’s cof- as a playmaker has only
As Morgan has developed into Ameri- fers), players were shocked by the con- grown since.
Dzsenifer Marozsan now
ca’s leader on the field, she has strength- ditions at Aloha Stadium near Honolulu. stars for the elite French
ened her voice beyond it. Among the Rocks filled the turf. In some sections, club Lyon, and in May
pro-athlete orthodoxies she’s willing to the aging field was pulling up out of the she was named the best
break: don’t criticize management, and ground. The team felt it was unsafe and player in the league—just
steer clear of politics. After Major League refused to play. U.S. Soccer agreed and a year after suffering a
Soccer’s Orlando City team declined to re- canceled the game, but it rankled the pulmonary embolism
tain her husband, Carrasco, while Mor- players that it wouldn’t have happened if that put her out of the
gan was playing for the Orlando wom- they hadn’t spoken out. game for months.
en’s team, she called out the clubs’ shared “It falls on us sometimes to decide Marozsan’s trophy
management for breaking what she says what’s just, what’s unjust,” says Morgan. collection already
was a deal. “We were told it was going to “We as players shouldn’t have to make includes an Olympic gold
be a long-term relationship between the those decisions. But I’m happy we came medal and four prestigious
club and us,” Morgan says now. “When together and did.” Champions League titles.
you promote a business acting as a fam- It was a lesson that informed the de- The only thing missing for
ily, I would expect to be given that treat- cision of five of the team’s star players, in the German captain?
ment you promote.” 2016, to file a complaint over inequity in A World Cup title.
President Donald Trump is another pay and bonuses with the federal Equal
target. “I don’t stand for a lot of things Employment Opportunity Commission.
the current office stands for,” Morgan “We realized that just because we had
says. She’s particularly upset about the success without being given what we de-
Administration’s policy of separating serve, doesn’t mean we didn’t deserve
migrant families at the southern border, it,” says Morgan. “That was like a flip of
noting that her husband’s family is from the switch.”
Mexico. Indeed, if Trump invites the team In April 2017, the players signed a new
to the White House after the World Cup, collective- bargaining agreement with U.S.
Morgan says she won’t go. If that turns Soccer. As part of the deal, the players won
anyone off, so be it. control of certain licensing and market-
“We don’t have to be put in this little ing rights. They partnered with the NFL
box,” Morgan says between sips of red Players Association and the WNBA Play-
wine at dinner. “There’s the narrative ers Association to form REP Worldwide,
that’s been said hundreds of times about a new licensing- representation company,
any sort of athlete who’s spoken out politi- in late 2017. REP expects to sign some 25
cally. ‘Stick to sports.’ We’re much more licensees —for things like jerseys, scarves
than that, O.K.?” and digital collectibles—for the women’s
soccer players by the start of the World
a nationaL team doesn’t simply de- Cup. REP says the players can expect
cide to sue its governing body on a whim. between $1 million and $2 million in net
The roots of the equal-pay fight go back royalties by the end of 2020.