Page 63 - Time_International_2019
P. 63
services and counseling is hard to come by.
The Yezidi boys have a certain
amount of help from their faith. The
religion’s leadership passed a decree in
2014 that forgave their people for the
sin of being forced to convert, or for
being raped, or for being forced to kill
and maim for ISIS. With that came the
offer of a ritual of return that includes
a rebaptism ceremony for men, women
and children to cleanse them of the sin
of whatever they were forced to do.
“We will slowly, step by step,
convince those children ... to put the
Yezidi community’s humanity back
into their heart, because there is no
more peaceful religion than Yezidi,”
says Babashekhi. The “rebaptism” takes
place at the Yezidi holy site of Lalish,
tucked within a valley north of Duhok,
a scenic city encircled by mountains
in Iraqi Kurdistan. All members must
visit at least once in their lifetime to
submerge themselves in the 4-to-5-ft.-
deep well inside a small, worn stone
shrine, sacred to Yezidis.
Adult survivors say the ceremony
helps, but others say it is not enough
to stop the nightmares or flashbacks or
to purge the guilt a child feels, which
can be channeled inward into depres-
sion and outward to rage. Duhok also
Khayri Abdullah Massi ransomed family happens to be the home of one of Iraq’s
members, but his wife went back to raise only child and adolescent mental-health
the child she had by her ÒISIS husbandÓ centers. But counselors there explained
they don’t have the funding or the staff
to seek out the children and treat them
on a regular basis—the kind of treatment
ISIS along with her daughter and sons. leaders, and former Yezidi slaves, say the that’s needed to undo how these chil-
Torn by the memory of the abandoned community rejects such children, so an dren were conditioned to kill.
child, her husband said, she chose late unknown number of former ISIS slaves “Calling it brainwashing is to
last year to leave her family and go back like Shalal’s mother are forced to choose underestimate what has happened to
to find her baby. between their faith and family, or exile the kids,” said one of the only other
The familial trauma has been made with their child born in captivity. child psychologists there, Galavej
worse by a quirk of the Iraqi constitution. Shalal’s father is angry and resentful, Jafaar. Another psychologist, Araz Adil
Under that document, children born frequently bringing up what he says is with the Kurdish nonprofit SEED, said,
of ISIS fathers, or an unknown father, his wife’s betrayal, when asked about “When they arrive, everyone gives them
are automatically registered as Muslim. his son, one more emotional weight for so much attention. After a while when
That registration in turn automatically Shalal to bear. they stop getting that attention, their
switches the mother’s religion to Islam symptoms start to appear, and you see
as well. Yezidi elders call this genocide WheN The fighT against ISIS was on PTSD, depression and anxiety, and that’s
by constitution and have appealed to the battlefield, there was no shortage of when they have a longing to go back.”
Iraqi officials in Baghdad to change it. resources: through fiscal year 2019, the The boys’ recovery from trauma has
Yezidi elder Hadi Babashekhi, son of U.S. military has committed $54 billion to immense implications not only for the
the Yezidi religious leader Baba Shekh, the war effort, according to a Brown Uni- individuals but also for international
claims that his community is finding versity estimate. But it’s a different story security. Yet the matter is muddled
a place for children like Shalal’s half- now that the contest has moved into the by conflicting agendas. Yezidi elders
sibling. But other Yezidi community personal space, where funding for social downplay the risk, while Baghdad,