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         Culture                                                                                               THE POWER

                                                                                                               OF TIKTOK

                                                                                                               How the popular app gave
                                                                                                               these musicians a career boost
            It seems inevitable that TikTok will         tions. While popular songs have birthed
         soon be part of this battle. As the com-        memes—as in the case of Soulja Boy’s
         pany has grown, with ByteDance being            “Pretty Boy Swag” or Metro Station’s
         called the world’s most valuable startup,       “Shake It”—memes have also turned
         TikTok has increasingly found itself in         minor songs into omnipresent smashes.
         the spotlight, and not always in                        Ava Max, a 25-year-old singer-
         ways it might like. It faced al-                        songwriter in Los Angeles, is
         legations about its handling              SUPA            proof of the latter. Her song
         of user data as well as ques-        DUPA HUMBLE           “Not Your Barbie Girl” flew
         tions about what type of con-         Saw monthly          under the radar for about six
         tent it will allow on its plat-         YouTube            months before it picked up
         form. In the case of the artists      views double         steam on TikTok. Suddenly
         who have seen their songs take                           women were singing along to
         off in ways they never expected,                       her lyrics while either dressing up
         the question is whether giving them a           as Barbie or flouting the strict confines
         platform is enough. Given the amount            of the doll’s image. “I noticed that and
         of money at stake, how long will expo-          freaked out,” Max says. Several months
         sure be sufficient as currency?                 later, her song “Sweet but Psycho” ex-
                                                         ploded to an even greater degree on the
         When you open TikTok, it looks a bit            app, which helped the song accrue more
         like Instagram: you scroll down a verti-        than 550 million streams on Spotify. “It
         cal feed of videos that you can like, com-      helped because it reached a wider audi-        BuT noT all TikTok sTars have seen
         ment on or share. But unlike Instagram          ence and a younger generation that are         the same success outside the app. Songs
         and Facebook, in which you choose to            mostly on their phone, as I am,” she says.     are often posted on the platform without
         follow friends or organizations, Tik-              TikTok’s greatest success story is in-      being labeled correctly, and it can take
         Tok gives you content based solely on           disputably Lil Nas X. The 20-year-old          weeks or even months for musicians to
         an algorithm powered by artificial in-            Atlanta artist was a college dropout         get proper credit.
         telligence, often displaying the most           sleeping on his sister’s floor when, play-        Such is the case for ZaeHD & CEO,
         viral and fun videos that have recently         ing off the renewed popularity of cow-         two rappers out of Little Rock, Ark.
         emerged on the platform.                        boy culture online, he started promoting       Like Lil Nas X, they hoped to engineer
            TikTok, of course, did not invent the        his  country-trap song “Old Town Road”         viral success by recording songs specifi-
         lip-sync comedy that’s so popular with          through memes on Twitter and Insta-            cally designed to be consumed as bite-
         its users—Jerry Lewis mimed a big band          gram. After several months, it broke out       size memes. Weeks before they released
         in 1961, and Wayne and Garth of Wayne’s         on TikTok, with creators using it in their     the full version of their song “All In,”
         World headbanged to “Bohemian Rhap-             videos as they transformed them-                    they posted short videos of them-
         sody” three decades later. It also isn’t in-    selves into cowboys and cowgirls.                      selves and others dancing to snip-
         troducing participatory memes to the               Record labels took notice,             MAX           pets on Instagram, making it
         world—think the EDM craze “Harlem               and after a fierce bidding war,                          a minor sensation before it
         Shake.” But perhaps never before has            Lil Nas X signed with Colum-        Soundtracked         was even out.
         such a large platform made it so simple         bia Records in March. When              two viral           Their social-media push
         to both consume and take part in these          Billboard  removed the song                             worked: a portion of the song       @DESMONDPHOTAGRAPHY (2); COURTESY RICH MORGAN; THESE PAGES: HUMBLE: TOMMY T; MA X, NAS X, JOJI: GET T Y IMAGES; Z AEHD & CEO: @DESMONDPHOTAGRAPHY  PREVIOUS PAGES: FROM LEF T, THEN TOP TO BOT TOM: GET T Y IMAGES; COURTESY RICH MORGAN; GET T Y IMAGES; GET T Y IMAGES; JASON GOODRICH; COURTESY RICH MORGAN;
         art forms. TikTok has a huge database           from its country charts later that                    has been featured in 2.3       mil-     @DOMINICTOLIVER, GET T Y IMAGES; @STAURENGL AGGIE; GET T Y IMAGES; @FLUFF YFACE _ENZO; COURTESY RICH MORGAN, GET T Y IMAGES; @DOBRET WINS; @ASH_L AY;
         of songs; if you see a song you like in a       month— classifying it as hip-hop as op-        lion videos on TikTok. But there’s one
         video, you can click on it and use it right     posed to  country—it got even more at-         issue: that sample was put into TikTok’s
         away. The ability to easily find an audi-       tention amid the controversy. The song         system by another user, who labeled it
         ence, combined with the platform’s lack         has become inescapable, and a remix fea-       “Em Em Dance,” by Keezy. The hashtag
         of pretension, has made TikTok highly           turing Billy Ray Cyrus sits at No. 1 on the    #ememdance has now been viewed over
         addictive for a younger generation.             Billboard Hot 100.                             32 million times with no reference to the
            And as the app has grown, it’s become           “I should maybe be paying TikTok,” Lil      song’s creators. “I have been looking for
         clear that virality can run in two direc-       Nas X says. “They really boosted the song.”    this song for the longest [time] I kept typ-
                                                                                                        ing in mmm mmm mmm but nothing rec-
                                                                                                        ognized it,” one YouTube comment reads.
                                                                                                           Sleuthing fans like that one did
            I SHOULD MAYBE BE                                                                           find the song on other platforms, like

         PAYING TIKTOK. THEY REALLY                                                                       Spotify and YouTube, which pay artists
                                                                                                        per stream. But as of publication time,
         BOOSTED THE SONG.                                               —LIL NAS X                     the song is still labeled   incorrectly—
                                                                                                        despite the fact that ZaeHD says his
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