Page 81 - Time_International_2019
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                                                                                                                           NAS X

                                                                                                                        Wrote No. 1
                                                                                                                        song in the

                                                         TuneCore—and pays to use their cata-            2014. (She returned in 2017.)
                                                         logs. The money then theoretically gets            Last year, Congress passed the Music
                                                         distributed back to the songwriters in          Modernization Act, which made it eas-
                                                         the form of royalties. But the lack of a        ier for artists to be paid for streams. But
                                                         formalized and consistent structure fa-         because TikTok isn’t a streaming ser-
                                                         vors established artists on major labels.       vice, the act doesn’t apply, and in part
                                                         Supa Dupa Humble, for example, said it          because of TikTok’s relative newness, the
                                                         was only after he reached out to TikTok         music industry has yet to come together
                                                         that “Steppin’” was formally recognized         to tackle its monetization issues.
                                                         in its database. And while Joji’s “Slow            But Richard Busch, an attorney
                                                         Dancing in the Dark” provided the back-         who has handled prominent cases re-
                                                         ground music to one of the platform’s           lating to copyright infringement—in-
                                                         biggest memes—#microwavechallenge,              cluding the landmark “Blurred Lines”
                                                         which had even Ryan Seacrest spinning           case, in which he won a multimillion-
                                                         around on the floor like food heating up        dollar judgment against Pharrell Wil-
                                                         in a  microwave—a representative for            liams and Robin Thicke—says TikTok
                                                         his indie label, 88rising, said he did not      is too big not to have serious implica-
                                                         have a deal with TikTok and has not been        tions for the industry.
                                                         paid by the platform at all. The song was          “Songwriters, music publishers and
                                                         boosted outside the app, however, and           owners of recorded music are having
                                                         became  Joji’s biggest hit to date when it      their music basically stolen with no in-
          team has talked to TikTok about chang-         made the Billboard Hot 100 in March.            centive for the TikToks of the world to
          ing it—and the song’s stream count on              Asked about a potential imbalance           do anything about it,” he says. “You are
           Spotify is comparatively much lower,          of power, a TikTok spokesperson re-             destroying the value of that music.”
          around 5 million.                              sponded, “TikTok is an exciting way for
             TikTok has little motivation to             songs and emerging artists to gain expo-        These issues are only becoming more
          change its identification system. The          sure and break through with a wide and          pressing. The top of Spotify’s United
          Digital Millennium Copyright Act of            varied audience. We work closely with           States Viral 50 charts is littered with
          1998 (DMCA) puts the onus on users             rights holders to build and protect a           TikTok- driven songs, and the potential
          rather than tech companies to report           library of sound on the platform which          revenue streams are increasing.
          copyright violations. So an artist                   is available for users to infuse in          TikTok recently started testing ads,
          like ZaeHD has two main op-                             their own short videos.”               something brands had been waiting for
          tions: try to work   with Tik-           ZAEHD               TikTok has also hit some          since its launch. In April the company
                                                    & CEO
          Tok, which is making its way                               significant bumps in the            kicked off an audition contest in South
          through similar requests, or         Accrued over          road. In February it agreed         Korea and Japan that places videos of in-
          send a DMCA takedown no-            32 million views       to pay $5.7 million to settle       dependent singers and dancers hoping
          tice, which would wipe the               of a song        federal allegations that it ille-    to be signed in front of industry insiders.
          song from the platform and                               gally collected personal infor-       And Busch said there are active licensing
          slow its momentum.                                     mation from kids under 13. In           talks between TikTok and the National
             ZaeHD, 20, isn’t particularly both-         April, India temporarily halted down-           Music Publishers Association, an orga-
          ered by the lack of recognition, because       loads of the app, citing concerns for chil-     nization that fights for copyright protec-
          he says the song’s success is unprece-         dren’s safety. And the company has come         tion and compensation for songwriters,
          dented for his community. “Where we’re         under fire for being slow to tamp down          though he notes that it represents a tiny
          from, this don’t happen,” he says. “Three      hate speech. (“We continue to en-                    fraction of music publishers.
          million views is not seen where we stay.”      hance our existing measures and                            For now, the artists driving
             But this dynamic—of the world’s             roll out further protections as            JOJI          TikTok’s first year of success are
          most valuable startup profiting off rising     we work to minimize the op-               Made            mostly ecstatic about the way
          musicians who are just grateful for the        portunity for misuse,” a TikTok        Hot 100 for        it has boosted their careers.
           exposure—has some music legal experts         spokesperson told HuffPost in           first time        Supa Dupa Humble’s monthly
          worried. “Unfortunately, a lot of the dig-     April. “There is absolutely no                           YouTube views have more than
          ital services resist paying for the music      place for discrimination, includ-                      doubled. He’s watched “Steppin’”
          that makes their platforms successful,         ing hate speech, on this platform.”)            memes spread around the world and wel-
          and it’s not right,” says Erin  Jacobson,          If artists do challenge TikTok over         comed a fan base of TikTok users who
          a music attorney who advises clients on        their compensation, they will hardly be         have stuck around to explore his other
          intellectual property.                         the first to take on a platform over the        music. “People are saying, ‘I came from
             TikTok secures licensing deals with         issue. Metallica sued Napster in 2000 for       a meme, but I’m staying because this is
          different rights holders in the  industry—     putting its music  online for free, and Tay-    fire,’” he says. “It’s dope to see the record
          from labels to publishing platforms like       lor Swift yanked her music off Spotify in       actually grow legs on its own.”          

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