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P. 84
TimeOff Opener
A glitter-fueled
blasts off
By Stephanie Zacharek
hen you Think abouT iT, The
rock-’n’-roll biopic is about as
un–rock ’n’ roll as you can get,
W the ultimate in dancing about
architecture. You sit through the whole thing,
watching a rock star’s life unfold before you.
How can that compare to the thrill of standing
in a sweaty pit in the presence of a magnificent
human being who calls out to us, one by one
and all together, inspiring joy and lust and a zil-
lion other feelings that we haven’t yet invented words for? △ it, just don’t go—and leave the pleasure
Who wants to sit down and watch a movie about an art John in the rock to the rest of us.
form that makes you wanna shout? opera Tommy
But rock biopics, done right, can jump the synapse in 1975 Our first visiOn of Egerton as John is
between how movies work on us and how music moves a blast of glory: dressed in a winged red
us. Rocketman—the story of shy Reginald Dwight from devil costume lush with plumage, a pair
North London, who would become showman and of curly rams’ horns sprouting from the
songman extra ordinaire Elton John—sparks that duotone red satin caplet that hugs his head, he
euphoria. Directed by Dexter Fletcher and starring pushes through a set of doors that pre-
Taron Egerton as the spangled one himself, Rocketman is sumably lead to a stage. But he’s actu-
magnificent and ridiculous, a feathered mélange of clichés ally headed to a group- therapy session,
and originality, of respectful homage and unrepentant where he plunks himself down, costume
nostalgia. Sometimes it’s comfortingly conventional; and all, and begins the story of his life,
other times it’s gloriously off the charts. Even when it accompanied by a litany of his prob-
doesn’t quite work, it’s just so alive, meeting right at the lems. This is Elton John circa the late
intersection of the human heartbeat and the also-human 1980s, and here’s what he’s up against:
love for shiny things. He may be one of the world’s richest and
Even people who profess not to love Elton John find most successful rock stars, but he’s also
they can’t resist him, and they certainly can’t avoid him: an alcoholic, a cokehead and a bulimic.
among a string of hits spread throughout a career of nearly He’s addicted to sex, and he has an
50 years, John’s 1970 “Your Song” is a universal anthem of anger- management problem. He loves
intimacy, a song that just about everybody knows. “I hope prescription painkillers, and he can’t
you don’t mind that I put down in words/ How wonderful stop shopping. He’s alternately agitated
life is while you’re in the world.” Who among us wouldn’t and demonically animated as he rattles
want to be thought of that way by another human being? off his list of flaws and vexations. The
Or who hasn’t felt that way about someone else, a per- ordinary people seated around him in a
son whose presence is as precious as the gift of daylight? circle want to help, and they begin ask-
Rocketman is essentially a movie version of “Your Song,” ing questions, beginning with the big
dedicated to the man who wrote the song itself, a jukebox one: What was his childhood like?
musical with so much ardent affection poured into it—by From there, Rocketman takes off
the filmmakers and by the actors—that it feels like a love like a shot, illustrating each major epi- PREVIOUS PAGE: DAVID APPLEBY— PARAMOUNT PICTURES; THIS PAGE: GET T Y IMAGES
ballad. The picture was, it should be noted, executive- sode in John’s life with lavish produc-
produced by John, so there’s some vanity involved here— tion numbers. Fletcher prefers the op-
but if Elton John can’t be allowed to love himself, what eratic approach over restraint, and his
hope is left for this monstrous world? As for movie goers, instincts pay off. The real Elton John
I’m sure it’s possible to dislike Rocketman: there’s no is now in his 70s, married and semi-
avoiding the “Rainbows are overrated, don’t you think?” retired from touring as he raises his
brigade. But resisting Rocketman would expend more en- young family; he has been sober for
ergy than it’s worth. If you’re certain you’re going to hate nearly 30 years. The Elton John of
82 Time June 3–10, 2019