Page 15 - تاريخ وحضارة انجليزى
P. 15
Stone Ages:
(Paleolithic, Middle Stone Age, Neolithic, Chalcolithic)
Prehistoric eras, meaning the eras prior to the knowledge of
writing, as it was the method used for history. This period was
called the Stone Ages because they were the materials most used
in the manufacture of human tools.
The land of Egypt witnessed many civilizations in these eras, such
as the marmadet of Beni Salama, Helwan, Fayoum, Deir Tassa,
Al-Badari, Naqada I, II, and III.
By studying the archaeological remains in these civilizations, we
find that man evolved from being a food gatherer to a food
producer after learning about agriculture. He also transformed
from an animal hunter to a domesticated one. Likewise, his
dwelling evolved from being built of tree branches to a form built
of mud bricks. He moved his tomb and burial place from the
center of the dwellings to areas far from their homes. He also
gained knowledge of some industries and the primary tools