Page 3 - Trowel On Textures - Company Profile
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I  N  T  R  O  D  U  C  T  I  O  N

                                                    Trowel   On  Textures   is  a manufacturer   and   distributor
                                                    of   premium   paint   and   textured   coatings   with   our
                                                    manufacturing     facility   based   in  Wynberg  ,
                                                    Johannesburg    . 

                                                    It  all   started   in   Vanderbijlpark  ,  back   in  2006  .  With   the
                                                    consistent   struggle   with   plaster   sand   in  the   country  ,
                                                    Bernadine    saw   the   need   for  a good  ,   durable  ,  and
                                                    flexible   textured   coating   that   would   solve   the
                                                    consistent   problems   of   uneven   plastered   surfaces
                                                    and   having   to   re  -paint   due   to   the   crazing   of   the
                                                    plaster  .  When   established  ,  the   Company  's core
                                                    business   was   producing   quality   textured   coatings  .

                                                    Since   established   in  2006  ,  our   ongoing   research   and
                                                    development     effort   led   to   countless   industry
                                                    advancements     .

      C  O  N  T  A  C  T
                                                    In  2016   we   have   expanded   our   production   line
                                                    introducing   our   own   brand   known   as   The   Paint
                                                    Bucket  ,  producing   Premium   Paints   and   Primers  .
           16  4th   Street

                                                    We   pride   ourselves   that   our   products   have   been   used
                                                    on   some   of  the   most   prestigious   buildings   and
                                                    homes    around   the   country  .
           bernadine  @trowelon   .co .za

           083   393   2000

                                                                                   it's personal.
                                                    For   us  ,   its   not   just   paint  , 
           facebook  .com  /TrowelTex  /
           www   .trowelon  .co  .za
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