Page 5 - Trowel On Textures - Company Profile
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LEVELSCREED                           SUEDE                                    MARBLE DUST

  This product is applied over          Texture not for you? Our Suede           Revolutionized by our textured
  uneven plastered surfaces and         Coating provides a fine sand-like        coatings, Marble Dust has a very
  surfaces where strong adhesion is     finish with a mottle look. Suede is      fine texture and also provides a
  required such as Concrete.            ideal for interior feature walls.        mottle look.
  1.1 GRIT                               1.8 GRIT                                  GRANITE

  The 1.1 Grit textured coating          The texture of this product is           Made from various colored stones,
  contains a very fine aggregate         created by the 1.8mm aggregate           glitter and a special formulated
  providing a subtle scratch which is    which provides this finish. This         acrylic glue this product is ideal to
  ideal for Interior & Exterior use.     product is ideal for exterior use.       use on columns, features and
                                                                                  feature walls.
  CPS                                   MATT STUCCO                                STRISCE DECO

  Our Coloured Priming System,            This plaster provides the same mirror   This coating is made of various layers
  known as CPS is used to prime the      smooth surface loved by MILLIONS!        used to emphasize key elements of
  surfaces prior to applying the         Instead of Marble Shine, a cashmere      Modernist Architectural Design.
  textured coatings. It is also used as a  smooth surface in a Matte gloss is now
  Top-Coat should the client want to     possible for clients who simply don't
  change the colour of existing          want shine.
  textured coatings.


   Render Guard is a clear glaze finish made from the purest acrylics with incorporated Nano-Technology, Render Guard
   adds additional protection to our textured coatings which has dirt repelling properties and provides UV-Resistance.
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