Page 9 - Trowel On Textures - Company Profile
P. 9
E m f u l e n i G o l f E s t a t e , 1 5 1 3
From nada to Prada. After poor
maintenance, this house needed a
serious face lift. The owner contacted us
to advise and assistance turning his
house to the masterpiece it was
intended to be.
The house had serious crazing and
uneven plastered surfaces as can be
seen from the photos.
After preparing the walls and applying
levelscreed to smoothen out the
surfaces, we worked with the aesthetic
design of the house emphasizing the
entrance and other features around the
house using a 2.4 Grit Textured Coating
(discontinued) tinted in a dark colour
and applying the coating to a Doric
The ceilings was rendered in a light
colour in 1.6 Grit and the main walls of
the house was rendered in a 1.8 Grit.