Page 2 - HCG Newsletter July August 2018
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News from Information Technology
Skype for Business Service has resumed.
We are very excited to announce that you can resume using Skype for Business.
The new upgraded Skype for Business is now available to all HCG staff and a lot of
new features are included with some settings still being fine-tuned. Training for the
new Skype features will be provided by IT staff in the coming weeks, including the
new telephony features. You can use “Presence” and “Instant Messaging” to get
started. Click here for instructions to log in.
Please contact for any assistance you need
using Skype for Business.
Presence – Let’s coworkers know your status (Available, Busy, Out of the office,
Instant Messaging – Quickly communicate to other employees in your own
department or other departments.
Host Online Meetings (webinars) – You will be able to share your screen,
PowerPoint presentations, and whiteboards. You will also be able to poll the
attendees, and record these presentations for those who can’t attend.
Conference Calls – Users will have the ability to host dial-in conference calls with
internal and external callers with no per minute charges. These calls can also be
recorded as needed.
Mobile Connectivity – Field workers will have access to a mobile app that allows
them to use all features of the system while working remotely.
Federation – Users will have the ability to use all of these features with members of
other organizations who use Skype for Business.
All these features give us the ability to communicate more efficiently as we serve
our citizens.