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                              Employee Newsletter

                                          Season of Change, and it’s not only the leaves!

            Aug/Sept 2018

                 Inside This Issue                                                    Farewell Joel Mashburn
                                                                       They say change is inevitable and we
       1     Season of Change
                                                                       knew when Joel Mashburn was selected
       2     I.T. - Phishing Awareness                                 as  the  Haywood  County  “Interim”
       3     I.T. – Phishing continued                                 County Manager, it was only temporary
                                                                       until a new County Manager was
       4     Meals on Wheels
                                                                       selected.  Joel joined the ranks of
       5     Library Events                                            Haywood       County     Government       in
       6     More Library Events                                       October 2017 and will be completing his

       7     Library Cupcake                                           mission here at the  end of September.
             Challenge                                                 His leadership, knowledge, and nearly 40
                                                                       years of  experience in county and
       7     Board of Elections                                        municipal government served us all well.
       8     August Birthdays               Mountaineer Publishing, Inc.       We thank you for keeping us all moving

       9     September Birthdays            For those of you who missed The Mountaineer article on July 30
                                            For those of you who missed The Mountaineer article on July 30  about Joel’s

                                            experience in Vietnam, when you take a break, read the story of his patriotic
       10    August Anniversaries           about Joel’s experience in Vietnam, when you take a break, read

                                            journey serving our country, tis of thee…
                                           the story of his patriotic journey serving our country, tis of thee…
       11    September Anniversaries         In Vietnam, Joel Mashburn was a Remington Ranger

       12    New Employees                 In Vietnam, Joel Mashburn was a Remington Ranger

       13    New Employees -
             continued                                                    Bryant Morehead selected as
                                                                          the new County Manager.
                                                                          October 1  will mark the beginning for
                                                                          Haywood County’s new County
                                                                          Bryant has spent the last 15 years in
                                                                          county government in Gaston county.
                                                                          We are looking forward to having him
                                                                          as our new County Manager.

                                                                          Here is a link to The Mountaineer
                                                                          announcement article on August 22 .

                                                                            New County Manager Selected
                                               Mountaineer Publishing, Inc.
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