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BarJournal                   COLuMN

        LEGaL rESEarcH & wrITInG
                                    JULY/AUGUST  2015

                                            arTIFIcIaL InTELLIGEncE For

                                            LEGaL rESEarcH

                                            What About Algorithms?

                                            Joe Custer

                        any attorneys have viewed   should be? By analogy take the legal intern   Ravel, and Westlaw. Research assistants
                        augmented intelligence   who is performing legal research. A lawyer   submitted identical searches in the same
                        platforms, a.k.a. artificial   would not blindly rely on the intern’s findings   jurisdictional databases of all six platforms
                        intelligence, as potentially   to provide client advice. Likewise, should   filtering by the same date restrictors and
            Mpowerful partners that will      the lawyer rely on the work product from   chronology of reporters (official or unofficial
            enhance their ability to tame the information   an AI platform, incapable of conducting the   reporters, mattering on the database). There
            torrent ascending upon them daily. ROSS,   complex legal and factual analysis of a State   was virtually no overlap in the top 10 cases
            sparked by the creation of Watson, the system   of Ohio admitted lawyer, in providing advice   listed amongst the six databases, the top
            that beat Ken Jennings at Jeopardy, is deemed   to a client? Ideally, the lawyer is taking the   results that lawyers were growing up on with
            by many to have the ability to sift through over a   results of an AI search as a good starting point   Google searches. Of the total results, only 7%
            billion legal text documents per second and then   to conduct her advanced research applying   of the cases appeared in all of the databases.
            present the user with the specific relevant passage   her independent judgment and perhaps   An astonishing 40% of the cases each database
            needed from a simple natural language query.  considering other nonlegal factors such as   returned were unique to that database.
             The addition of many artificial intelligence   morals, economics, and politics to supply her   These findings make it clear that the
            platforms over the last five years (i.e., Ravel,   client with professional legal advice.   algorithms very significantly. Professor Mart
            Casetext, Lex Machina, and Fastcase Bad   The way AI works is nothing new.   has been an advocate leading others to demand
            Law Bot) to those already on the market for   Algorithms power AI. An algorithm,   algorithm accountability and transparency.
            years (i.e., Westlaw, Lexis, and Bloomberg   according to Merriam Webster, “is a procedure   Without algorithm transparency and an ability
            Law) gives attorneys the perception that they   for solving a mathematical problem in a finite   to monitor operations, there is no means of
            are missing out unless they are using the   number of steps that frequently involves   rebuttal or method of holding algorithms
            latest in augmented intelligence platforms.  repetition  of  an  operation.”  The  steps  are   accountable. Using unknown, black box
             Rather than taking on blind faith any clause   human-created, creating the algorithms that   algorithms is a serious matter in law where
            spewed out by an AI platform, lawyers need   help the machine learn and the data that feeds   machine learning could potentially have the
            to understand that the results the platform   the algorithms generate the results. With   most  crucial ability  to  result  in  detrimental
            is supplying don’t come out of thin air. The   young lawyers entering the profession who   effects on society.
            platforms, built upon proprietary algorithms,   have relied upon Google searches throughout   In conclusion, the use of augmented
            by analogy, are like the Coca-Cola recipe. A   their education (unless they took advanced   intelligence platforms to conduct legal research
            secret formula placed in a vault in the World   legal research in law school), without vetting   should be regulated. Algorithm transparency
            of Coca-Cola that on the 125th anniversary   the results without considering the  possible   should be required. Legal outcomes, by nature,
            of the cola in 2011 was transferred from its   pitfalls such a machine learning bias, it is   are sensitive decisions. If lawyers do not have a
            previous location housed at the SunTrust   essential that more experienced lawyers take   clear understanding of how a particular result
            Bank in downtown Atlanta since 1925.   the time to discuss these issues.  or case hypothesis is determined, it is difficult
             The secret formulas, similar to algorithms,   One recent study by University of Colorado   to state that the lawyer’s fiduciary duty to the
            are put together by people. People who are   Professor of Law and Law Library Director,   client was fulfilled.
            attempting to create extensive algorithms   Susan Nevelow Mart, called  Results May
            that are the most effective in providing   Vary in Legal Research Databases,  ABA
            personalized legal guidance. If lawyers rely   Journal, March 10, 2018, empirically tests the   Joseph A. Custer, Associate Professor of Law
            blindly on the answers from an AI platform,   algorithms of six different legal research AI   & Director, Judge Ben C. Green Law Library.
            can they argue that the legal advice given to   platforms to determine whether the results are   Professor Custer teaches Advanced Legal Research
            the client is their own?          similar when the same data is searched in each   and Electronic Discovery at the Case Western
             There are currently no uniform standards   platform. Professor Mart compares six legal   Reserve University School of Law. He has been
            specific  to  lawyers  regulating  the  use  of  AI   databases proprietary algorithms – Casetext,   a CMBA member since 2017. He can be reached
            platforms in the workplace. Perhaps there   Fastcase, Google Scholar, Lexis Advance,   at (216) 368-2083 or
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