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BarJournal COLuMN
TH & wEllnESS
knOw THySElf, BE THySElf
By Kira S. Kittoe-Krivosh
Leadership is a way of thinking, a the environment you need to thrive, and how this talent creates an environment where
way of acting and most importantly, you appreciate leadership in return — that’s employees, colleagues and clients feel respected
a way of communicating.” (Simon all-powerful information. By applying the and have clear expectations.
Sinek.) Embracing your personality knowledge of what you appreciate, you can As you develop your skills, you may discover
‘‘ and leadership style within the legal master adapting to outside stimuli, which will how the delivery of your message is especially
realm resonates through all areas of law. In drastically improve your management skills important. Getting your point across in a direct
MEnTal HEal
mediation, it has the potential to settle disputes. and your jury presence. Information like this but respectful manner is fast becoming a difficult
For example, knowing when to pull back from can tell you what skills you need to work on soft skill in this world — especially when others
strong communication methods can ensure a or what skills to be mindful about employing. care about only 7% of what you say versus how
calm resolution. In trial, it allows your true self There are plenty of online resources to you say it. Professor Mehrabian measured
to give the story, passionately advocate for your assist in your journey. Better yet, there are this tendency through research. According to
client, and connect with the jury or jurist with consulting firms and leadership institutes him, words, tone of voice, and body language
your persuasive argument. Contractual interests designed to develop individuals as leaders respectively account for 7%, 38%, and 55% of
can be communicated more effectively through and strengthen personalities: one such personal communication. When presenting
positive interaction with opposing counsel, being The Cleveland Leadership Center. to a jury, jurist, or group of individuals, your
along with procuring concise intentions from The Cleveland Leadership Center (CLC) argument needs to be persuasive. But, not only
your clients. Project management is effectuated exists to provide leadership and community your argument is important. The very fact that
by making sure each person on your team feels engagement opportunities across a wide your tone and non-verbal presentation can be a
heard, valued, and committed to the cause. spectrum of life and career stages to inspire, truly effective measure of communication bears
These best-case scenarios typically happen when connect, and challenge individuals to make proof that honing your communication skills is
lawyers are in tune with who they are and have a positive community impact. Through its imperative to a successful delivery.
effective communication skills. Bridge Builders Programs and Leadership We all have a home base in which we feel
Cleveland Programs, the CLC helps its comfortable communicating. Nevertheless,
Becoming You participants determine how they operate as by being aware of how those strengths can
Large companies will use personality a leader and how to effectively communicate come across when used too frequently, we
assessments to determine the right fit for with contrasting leadership styles. Bridge can utilize other less-used skills to effectively
positions, and some non-profits will use them Builders and Leadership Cleveland are year- improve communication. As lawyers, we
to determine how efficiently a board of directors long commitments. However, CLC also offers are all considered leaders in the community
can work together to complete a goal. But the other events that provide civic education and and we have a duty to become our best self.
usual suspects, “Myers Briggs,” “Tetramaps,” or immersion experiences. Delve into understanding yourself, master it,
“Strength finders” (to name a few), may not be embrace it and apply it to your passions.
familiar to legal professionals. Whether you Embracing You
are in the public or private sector, it’s likely that Once you have identified the advantages and
you have never encountered one of these tests. limitations you have as a person and as a leader, Kira Kittoe-Krivosh joined the Cuyahoga County
The importance of these ability assessments is it’s time to take action. Knowing who you are is Prosecutor’s Office as an Assistant Prosecuting
that they evaluate your personality type. They a great responsibility. You’ll need to be mindful Attorney in 2013, where she manages the
identify what your natural skills are along with of where your leadership skills need to adapt Bankruptcy Workgroup. She is currently the Board
the skills that need developing. Personality depending on the person, the group, or the case. Vice President for the Citizen’s Committee for the
types are important for different reasons. Some strong skills may have to be harnessed Lakewood Animal Shelter, the Board of Directors
They can determine how a group of people are and mitigated in order to communicate with – Strategic Transformation Director for the Junior
going to work together to complete a task, or others effectively. Other skills may need to be League of Cleveland and she volunteers, along with
if a leader will operate efficiently. Some tests developed to ensure clear communication with her family, with other non-profit organizations. She
measure how you operate as a leader, your those with differing skills. This is mastering the joined the CMBA in 2017. She can be reached at
core values, how you make critical decisions, talent of emotional intelligence. Understanding (330) 268-9111 or
38 | Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal