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BarJournal                   FEATuRE

                                     JULY/AUGUST  2015
      ExTra        ALLEgEd dEFAmATion ARising

                                       FRom FoRm U-5s

                        does ohIo Law ProvIde an aBsoLUTe or

                            QUaLIfIed PrIvILege To The eMPLoyer?

                                               BY DOuGLAS M. EPPLER

        W                hen  an  purported  courts) necessarily apply substantive state law   are  (1)  absolutely  privileged  communications
                                                                                 The two classes of privileged communications
                                            governing defamation. To establish defamation
                         discharges an employee
                                                                               and (2) qualified or conditionally privileged
                                            under Ohio law, the claimant must show that (1) a
                                                                               communications, with the difference being that
                                            false statement of fact was made; (2) the statement
                         possible, perhaps even
        likely, that the two sides will have very different   was defamatory; (3) the statement was published;   “complete protection is afforded by absolute
                                                                               privilege, whereas a qualified or conditional
                                            (4) the claimant suffered injury as a proximate
        perspectives about what really went wrong. As a   result of the publication; and (5) the defendant   privilege affords protection only in the absence
        matter of policy, and to protect themselves from   acted with the requisite degree of fault. See Am.   of ill motive or malice in fact.” Id. at ¶ 9. In other
        liability for defamation, many employers refuse to   Chem. Soc. v. Leadscope, Inc., 133 Ohio St.3d 366,   words, an absolute privilege, if it applies, provides
        disclose to third parties any explanations of why   2012-Ohio-4193, ¶ 77. The elements that seem   the respondent complete immunity for a false
        former employees were discharged. However,   most likely to be disputed in a U-5 defamation   and defamatory statement, whereas the qualified
        this option is not available to broker-dealers,   case are the truth or falsity of the statement and   privilege allows for potential liability but requires
        investment advisers or issuers of securities,   the former employer’s degree of fault.    the claimant to establish bad faith or actual
        because these entities                                                                   malice. In the context
        must     complete                                                                        of  a   defamation
        and file the Form                                                                        case, actual malice is
        U-5,  the  Uniform  Therefore, a threshold legal issue in                                defined “as acting with
        Termination  Notice                                                                      knowledge  that the
        for Securities Industry   FINRA arbitrations applying Ohio                               statements are false or
        Registration  (U-5).                                                                     acting with reckless
        When    individuals   law to u-5 defamation claims is                                    disregard as to their
        are  discharged,  or                                                                     truth or falsity.” Jacobs
        permitted to resign,   whether the former employer’s                                     v. Frank, 60 Ohio St.3d
        the U-5 requires these                                                                   111, 116, 573 N.E.2d
        regulated entities to                                                                    609 (1991).
        provide an explanation.        privilege is absolute or qualified.
          It is not surprising,                                                                  Is the Privilege in
        then, that U-5s are                                                                      a U-5 Defamation
        common  sources  of                                                                      Case  Absolute or
        defamation claims in                                                                     Qualified?
        the United States. According to one report, from   Absolute  and  Qualified  Privileges  in  Former employers completing a U-5 almost
        the beginning of 2016 through the first quarter   Defamation Cases     certainly enjoy at least a qualified privilege
        of 2018, there were at least 82 Financial Industry   In addition to the elements of the claim,   in  FINRA  arbitrations  applying  Ohio  law.  A
        Regulatory Authority (FINRA) arbitrations   another potentially significant issue is   qualified privilege arises “where circumstances
        in which brokers claimed that their former   the application of the “privilege” defense   exist, or are reasonably believed by the defendant
        employers had inaccurately reported the reasons   for the former employer. A “privileged   to exist, which cast on him the duty of making
        that they were dismissed. Weinberg, Neil. “What   communication is one which, except for the   a communication to a certain other person to
        Happens When Banks Smear Their Exiting   occasion on which or the circumstances under   whom he makes such communication in the
        Brokers.”  which it is made, would be defamatory, and   performance of such duty, or where the person
        articles/2018-10-23/morgan-stanley-battle-  actionable.” Buck v. Village of Reminderville,   is so situated that it becomes right in the interests
        exposes-how-firms-smear-departing-brokers.   9th Dist. Summit No. 27002, 2014-Ohio-  of society that he should tell third persons certain
          While claims of U-5 defamation often occur in   1389, ¶ 8 (citing Costanzo v. Gaul, 62 Ohio   facts, which he in good faith proceeds to do.”
        FINRA arbitrations, arbitration panels (or federal   St.2d 106, 108, 403 N.E.2d 979 (1980)).   Jacobs, supra, 60 Ohio St.3d at 113.
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