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BarJournal                   FeATure

                                     JULY/AUGUST  2015
      eXtra                 legal legacy

                     stephanie Tubbs Jones

                                 BY Alexis eichelBerger

                  he legacy  of Congresswoman   She continued to prosper during her time   Jones worked as an assistant county
                  Stephanie  Tubbs  Jones,  a  at Case Western Reserve University, where   prosecutor and trial attorney in Cleveland
                  trailblazer in multiple facets of her   she founded the African-American Students   before running for public office. In 1992,
                  career in law and public service,   Association and graduated in 1971 with a   she was appointed Cuyahoga County
        t began and remains rooted in       bachelor’s degree in sociology and a minor   prosecutor, making her the state’s first
        Northeast Ohio.                     in psychology.                     African American prosecutor and the only
          Born in Cleveland in 1949, Jones was   Jones then enrolled in the Case Western   black woman serving as prosecutor in a
        youngest of three daughters of two blue-collar   University Law School, believing she could   major U.S. city at the time.
        workers. At Collinwood High School, Jones   change  the  world.  Indeed,  Jones became   After  17  years in public  office, in  1998
        excelled in both the classroom and athletics.  the first woman and African-American to   Jones ran for her district’s U.S. House of
                                                             reach several key   Representatives seat. She won by a large
                                                             positions in law and   margin, making her the first African-
                                                             government.       American woman to represent Ohio in
                                                               Judge   Charles  the U.S. Congress. Each term, she was
                                                             Patton, a municipal   overwhelmingly re-elected, illustrating the
                                                             court  judge  in  love and respect of her constituents.
                                                             Cleveland,  grew  up   Patton imagines Jones’ success would’ve
                                                             in the same Cleveland   continued even beyond her impressive
                                                             neighborhood  as  accomplishments. Her drive and charisma
                                                             Jones.  And from   had the potential to propel her to high-
                                                             elementary  school  ranking positions in the courtroom and in
                                                             onward, throughout   the federal government, Patton said, and
                                                             each of their careers   as both a leader in her community and a
                                                             as  publicly-elected  friend, Jones was a pleasure to know.
                                                             officials,  they  would   “She set an example of how to achieve
                                                             encounter    one  and accomplish ... things,” Patton said.
                                                             another often.      Jones  spent  her  time  in  the  House  of
                                                               When    together,  Representatives focusing on issues that
                                                             Jones  and  Patton  affected her Congressional district, which
                                                             discussed  current  centered on Cleveland. Among topics
                                                             events and legislation.   she advocated strongly for were financial
                                                             But when there was   literacy,  access  to  healthcare,  retirement
                                                             “politicking to be   security, education and children’s issues.
                                                             done,” Jones was never   She drafted and championed legislation
                                                             shy about introducing   on child abuse prevention, college campus
                                                             herself to others and   fire safety, and research and education on
                                                             encouraged Patton to   uterine fibroids.
                                                             do the same.        In another landmark achievement, Jones
                                                               “She was a good   became the first African-American woman
                                                             campaigner,” Patton   to  chair a  standing  House  Committee
                                                             said. “She was headed   when she chaired the Standards of Official
                                                             for bigger things.”  Conduct Committee from 2007–2008.

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