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             the modification does not lessen any fire protection require-  administrative provisions  of this code and shall not have
             ments or any degree of structural integrity. The details of any  authority to waive requirements of this code.
             action granting modifications shall be recorded and entered
             into the files of the code enforcement agency.
                                                                                    SECTION 107
             [A] 105.2 Technical assistance. To determine the acceptabil-             PERMITS
             ity of technologies, processes, products, facilities, materials
             and uses attending the design, operation or use of a building  [A] 107.1  General.  Where not otherwise  provided in  the
             or premises subject to the inspection of the code official, the  requirements of the International Building Code or Interna-
             code official is authorized to require the owner, the owner’s  tional  Fire Code, permits are required in accordance with
             authorized agent or the person in possession or control of the  Sections 107.2 through 107.10.
             building or premises to provide, without charge to the juris-  [A] 107.2 Permits required. Unless  otherwise exempted,
             diction, a technical opinion  and report. The  opinion and  buildings  or  structures regulated by this  code shall not be
             report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer, specialist,  erected, constructed, altered, repaired, moved, removed, con-
             laboratory or fire safety specialty organization acceptable to  verted, demolished or changed in use or occupancy unless a
             the code official and the  owner or the  owner’s authorized  separate permit for each building or structure has first been
             agent, and shall analyze the fire safety of the design, opera-  obtained from the code official.
             tion or use  of  the building or premises,  the facilities  and
             appurtenances situated thereon and fuel management for pur-  For buildings or structures erected for temporary uses, see
             poses of establishing fire hazard severity to recommend nec-  Appendix A, Section A108.3, of this code.
             essary changes.                                         Where required by the  code  official,  a permit shall be
                                                                  obtained for the following activities, operations, practices or
             [A] 105.3 Alternative materials or methods. The code offi-
             cial, in concurrence with approval from the building official  functions within a wildland-urban interface area:
             and fire chief, is authorized to approve alternative materials  1. Automobile wrecking yard.
             or methods, provided that the code official finds that the pro-  2. Candles and open flames in assembly areas.
             posed design, use  or operation satisfactorily complies  with
             the intent of this code and that the alternative is, for the pur-  3. Explosives or blasting agents.
             pose  intended,  at least equivalent to the level  of  quality,  4. Fireworks.
             strength, effectiveness, fire resistance, durability and safety  5. Flammable or combustible liquids.
             prescribed by this code. Approvals under the authority herein
             contained shall be subject to the approval of the building offi-  6. Hazardous materials.
             cial where the alternate material or method involves matters  7. Liquefied petroleum gases.
             regulated by the International Building Code.
                                                                     8. Lumberyards.
               The code official shall require that sufficient evidence or  9. Motor vehicle fuel-dispensing stations.
             proof be submitted to substantiate any claims made regarding
             the use of alternative materials or methods. The details of any  10. Open burning.
             action granting approval of an alternative shall be recorded  11. Pyrotechnical special effects material.
             and entered  in the files of  the code enforcement  agency.
             Where the alternative material, design or method of construc-  12. Tents, canopies and temporary membrane structures.
             tion is not approved, the code official shall respond in writ-  13. Tire storage.
             ing, stating the reasons the alternative was not approved.  14. Welding and cutting operations.
                                                                  [A] 107.3 Work exempt from permit. Unless otherwise pro-
                                                                  vided in the requirements of the International Building Code
                               SECTION 106
                                 APPEALS                          or International Fire Code, a permit shall not be required for
                                                                  the following:
             [A] 106.1 General. To determine the suitability of alternative
             materials and methods and to provide for reasonable interpre-  1. One-story detached accessory structures used as tool
             tations of the provisions of this code, there shall be and  and storage sheds, playhouses and similar uses, pro-
             hereby is created a board of appeals consisting of five mem-  vided the floor area does not exceed 120 square feet
             bers who are  qualified by experience  and training to  pass  (11.15 m ) and  the structure is located more  than  50
             judgment on pertinent matters. The code official,  building  feet (15 240 mm) from the nearest adjacent structure.
             official and fire chief shall be ex officio members, and the  2. Fences not over 6 feet (1829 mm) high.
             code official shall act as secretary of the board. The board of  Exemption from the permit requirements of this code shall
             appeals shall be appointed by the legislative body and shall  not be deemed to grant authorization for any work to be done
             hold office at their discretion. The board shall adopt reason-
                                                                  in any manner in violation of the provisions of this code or
             able rules and regulations for  conducting  its investigations  any other laws or ordinances of this jurisdiction.
             and shall render decisions and findings in writing to the code
             official, with a duplicate copy to the applicant.       The code official is authorized to stipulate conditions for
                                                                  permits. Permits shall not be issued where  public safety
             [A] 106.2 Limitations of  authority. The board of appeals  would be at risk, as determined by the code official.
             shall not have authority relative to interpretation of the

             2015 INTERNATIONAL WILDLAND-URBAN INTERFACE CODE                                                     3
  Copyrighted © 2014 by, or licensed to, ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); licensed to UL, LLC pursuant to License Agreement with ICC. No further reproductions authorized or distribution authorized.
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