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           tions presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the  [A] New, altered, extended or repaired
           provisions of this code or of other ordinances of the juris-  installations.  New installations and  parts  of existing
           diction shall not be valid.                             installations that  have been altered, extended,  reno-
                                                                   vated or repaired, shall be tested as prescribed herein to
              Where required by the code official, a survey of the lot
           shall be provided to verify that the mitigation features are  disclose defects.
           provided and the building or structure is located in accor-  [A] Apparatus, instruments, material and
           dance with the approved plans.                          labor for tests.  Apparatus, instruments, material and
                                                                   labor required for testing an installation or part thereof
           [A] 109.1.2 Authority to inspect. The code official shall
           inspect, as often as necessary, buildings and  premises,  shall be furnished by the permit holder or authorized
           including such other hazards or appliances designated by  agent.
           the code official for the purpose of ascertaining and caus-  [A] Reinspection  and testing. Where  any
           ing to be corrected any conditions that could reasonably be  work or installation does not pass an  initial test or
           expected to cause fire or contribute to its spread, or any  inspection, the necessary corrections shall be made so
           violation of the purpose of this code and of any other law  as to achieve compliance with this code. The work or
           or standard affecting fire safety.                      installation shall then be resubmitted to the code offi-
                                                                   cial for inspection and testing.
              [A] Approved inspection  agencies. The
              code official is authorized to accept reports of approved  [A] 109.2 Enforcement. Enforcement shall be in accordance
              inspection agencies, provided such agencies satisfy the  with Sections 109.2.1 and 109.2.2.
              requirements as to qualifications and reliability.  [A] 109.2.1 Authorization to issue corrective orders
              [A] Inspection requests. It shall be the duty  and notices. Where the code official finds any building or
              of  the holder of the  permit  or their  duly authorized  premises that are in violation of this code, the code official
              agent to notify the code official when work is ready for  is authorized to issue corrective orders and notices.
              inspection. It shall be the duty of the permit holder to  [A]  109.2.2 Service of orders and notices. Orders and
              provide access to and means for  inspections of  such  notices authorized or required by this code shall be given
              work that are required by this code.               or  served on the owner, the  owner’s authorized agent,
              [A] Approval required. Work shall not be  operator, occupant or other person responsible for the con-
              done  beyond the point indicated in each successive  dition or violation either by verbal notification, personal
              inspection without first obtaining the approval of  the  service, or delivering the same to, and leaving it with, a
              code official. The code official, upon notification, shall  person of suitable age and discretion on the premises; or, if
              make the requested inspections and shall either indicate  such person is not found  on the premises,  by affixing a
              the portion of the construction that  is  satisfactory as  copy thereof in a conspicuous place  on the door to  the
              completed, or notify the permit  holder or his or her  entrance of said premises and by mailing a copy thereof to
              agent wherein the same fails to comply with this code.  such person by registered or certified mail to the person’s
              Any portions that do not comply shall be corrected and  last known address.
              such portion shall not be covered or concealed until  Orders or notices that are given verbally shall be con-
              authorized by the code official.                   firmed by service in writing as herein provided.
           [A] 109.1.3 Reinspections. To determine compliance with  [A] 109.3  Right of  entry. Where necessary to  make an
           this code, the code official can cause a structure to be rein-  inspection to enforce any of the provisions of this code, or
           spected. A fee can be assessed for each inspection or rein-  whenever the code official has reasonable cause to believe
           spection when such portion of work for which inspection  that there exists in any building or on any premises any con-
           is called is not complete or when corrections called for are  dition that makes such building or premises unsafe, the code
           not made.
                                                              official is authorized to enter such building or premises at
              Reinspection fees can be assessed when the approved  reasonable times to inspect the same or to perform any duty
           plans are not readily available to the inspector, for failure  authorized by  this code,  provided  that  if such building or
           to provide access on the date for which inspection is  premises is occupied, the code official shall first  present
           requested  or for deviating  from  plans requiring the  proper credentials and request entry; and if such building or
           approval of the code official.                     premises is unoccupied, the code official shall first make a
                                                              reasonable effort to locate the owner, the owner’s authorized
              To  obtain a  reinspection,  the applicant shall pay  the
           reinspection fee as set forth in the fee schedule adopted by  agent, or other persons having charge or control of the build-
           the jurisdiction.  Where reinspection  fees have been  ing or premises and request entry.
           assessed, additional inspection of the work will not be per-  If such entry is refused, then the code official shall have
           formed until the required fees have been paid.     recourse to  every remedy provided by  law to secure entry.
           [A] 109.1.4 Testing. Installations shall be tested as  Owners, the owner’s authorized agent, occupants or any other
           required in  this  code and in accordance with  Sections  persons having charge, care or control of any  building  or
  through Tests shall be made by the  premises, shall, after proper request is made as herein pro-
           permit holder or authorized agent and  observed by the  vided, promptly permit entry therein by the code official for
           code official.

         6                                                      2015 INTERNATIONAL WILDLAND-URBAN INTERFACE CODE
  Copyrighted © 2014 by, or licensed to, ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); licensed to UL, LLC pursuant to License Agreement with ICC. No further reproductions authorized or distribution authorized.
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