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the purpose of inspection and examination pursuant to this [A] Method of service. Such notice
code. shall be deemed properly served where a copy
thereof is served by one of the following methods:
[A] 109.4 Compliance with orders and notices. Compli-
ance with orders and notices shall be in accordance with Sec- 1. Delivered to the owner or the owner’s autho-
tions 109.4.1 through 109.4.8. rized agent personally.
2. Sent by certified or registered mail addressed
[A] 109.4.1 General compliance. Orders and notices
issued or served as provided by this code shall be com- to the owner or the owner’s authorized agent
plied with by the owner, the owner’s authorized agent, at the last known address with a return receipt
operator, occupant or other person responsible for the con- requested.
dition or violation to which the corrective order or notice 3. Delivered in any other manner as prescribed
pertains. by local law.
If the building or premises is not occupied, then such Where the certified or registered letter is returned
corrective orders or notices shall be complied with by the showing that the letter was not delivered, a copy
owner or the owner’s authorized agent. thereof shall be posted in a conspicuous place in or
about the structure affected by such notice. Service
[A] 109.4.2 Compliance with tags. A building or prem- of such notice in the foregoing manner upon the
ises shall not be used when in violation of this code as owner’s authorized agent or upon the person respon-
noted on a tag affixed in accordance with Section 109.4.1.
sible for the structure shall constitute service of
[A] 109.4.3 Removal and destruction of signs and tags. notice upon the owner.
A sign or tag posted or affixed by the code official shall [A] Placarding. Upon failure of the owner,
not be mutilated, destroyed or removed without authoriza-
the owner’s authorized agent or the person responsible
tion by the code official.
to comply with the notice provisions within the time
[A] 109.4.4 Citations. Persons operating or maintaining given, the code official shall post on the premises or on
an occupancy, premises or vehicle subject to this code defective equipment a placard bearing the word
who allow a hazard to exist or fail to take immediate “UNSAFE” and a statement of the penalties provided
action to abate a hazard on such occupancy, premises or for occupying the premises, operating the equipment or
vehicle when ordered or notified to do so by the code offi- removing the placard.
cial shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
[A] Placard removal. The code official
[A] 109.4.5 Unsafe conditions. Buildings, structures or shall remove the unsafe condition placard whenever
premises that constitute a fire hazard or are otherwise dan- the defect or defects upon which the unsafe condi-
gerous to human life, or that in relation to existing use tion and placarding action were based have been
constitute a hazard to safety or health or public welfare, by eliminated. Any person who defaces or removes an
reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, obsoles- unsafe condition placard without the approval of the
cence, fire hazard, disaster damage or abandonment as code official shall be subject to the penalties pro-
specified in this code or any other ordinance, are unsafe vided by this code.
conditions. Unsafe buildings or structures shall not be [A] Abatement. The owner, the owner’s
used. Unsafe buildings are hereby declared to be public authorized agent, operator or occupant of a building,
nuisances and shall be abated by repair, rehabilitation, structure or premises deemed unsafe by the code offi-
demolition or removal, pursuant to applicable state and cial shall abate, correct or cause to be abated or cor-
local laws and codes. rected such unsafe conditions either by repair,
[A] Record. The code official shall cause a rehabilitation, demolition or other approved corrective
report to be filed on an unsafe condition. The report action.
shall state the occupancy of the structure and the nature [A] Summary abatement. Where conditions
of the unsafe condition. exist that are deemed hazardous to life and property,
the code official is authorized to abate or correct sum-
[A] Notice. Where an unsafe condition is
found, the code official shall serve on the owner, marily such hazardous conditions that are in violation
owner’s authorized agent or person in control of the of this code.
building, structure or premises, a written notice that [A] Evacuation. The code official shall be
describes the condition deemed unsafe and specifies the authorized to order the immediate evacuation of any
required repairs or improvements to be made to abate occupied building, structure or premises deemed unsafe
the unsafe condition, or requires the unsafe structure to where such hazardous conditions exist that present
be demolished. Such notice shall require the person imminent danger to the occupants. Persons so notified
thus notified, or their designee, to declare to the code shall immediately leave the structure or premises and
official within a stipulated time, acceptance or rejection shall not enter or reenter until authorized to do so by the
of the terms of the order. code official.
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