Page 11 - The MIL Connection Summer2018
P. 11
refer a
friend to
MIL & earn
Referral Bonus Program
Referrals have been our most successful
resource for hiring “top” talent …and
you can earn $$$$ by sending us yours!
There are a few guidelines but it’s well
worth your effort.
Rules for Qualified How it works:
Referrals A $2500 bonus will be paid to employees for recommending
The referred applicant may not have candidates who are hired to fill full‐time regular positions.
previously responded to advertisements, The bonus is paid in two equal increments - after the referred
been referred through employment individual has been employed for 30 days and again after 180 days.
agencies, have an application on file with
the Talent Acquisition Department, and These bonuses will be paid on the next payroll cycle following
cannot be active in the database within these time periods and are subject to applicable taxes
the last 12 months. Referred applicants and deductions.
must be able to obtain the required
clearance listed for the position.
Eligibility How to Submit a Referral - It’s Easy!
• Applicant must cite referring Please have interested applicants apply online by going to:
employee’s name on the online and make sure they mention your
application. name in the “If referred, by who?” field of the application.
• All employees are eligible for Or, you are welcome to send your referral directly to:
the bonus except for the hiring and we will contact the candidate to
manager and the direct supervisor
of the position. complete the online application.
• Some jobs may not be eligible (this If you have any questions, please contact
will be indicated in description).