Page 6 - The MIL Connection Summer2018
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MIL enjoys a Spring Fling at Kings Dominion

                                  As a family-run business, MIL places a priority on appreciating not only the work that employees do,
                                  but also in recognizing employee family and friends, as they often contribute to our ability to make the
                                  difference at MIL. With this in mind, MIL added a Spring Celebration event in addition to our summer
                                  and holiday celebrations.
                                  On Saturday, April 14th, 2018, employees who reside in the DC, Maryland/Southern Maryland, and
                                  Virginia areas and their immediate families were treated to a day of fun at Kings Dominion! During
                                  a catered lunch in a private pavilion, guests could catch up with coworkers and got to meet a few
                                  PEANUTS™ characters. Then it was off for some thrill seeking fun on the rides and attractions.

        MIL recognized as a company “Above and Beyond”

                                        Maryland Employer      MIL joins thousands of American employers who have
                                        Support of the Guard   reviewed and amended their current human resources
                                        and Reserve (ESGR), a   policies to ensure compliance with the Uniformed Services
                                        Department of Defense   Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA). Many
                                        (DoD) office selected   employers provide support far beyond what USERRA requires
                                        MIL to honored with    to include pay differential to offset the loss of wages, and
                                        an “Above and Beyond   extension of health care benefits which complement coverage
                                        Award” in recognition of   provided by the military when their employees are mobilized.
                                        extraordinary support   ESGR seeks to foster a culture in which all employers support
                                        of its employees who   and value the employment and military service of members
                                        serve in the National   of the National Guard and Reserve in the United States. ESGR
                                        Guard and Reserve.     facilitates and promotes a cooperative culture of employer
                                        David Fernandez from   support for National Guard and Reserve service by developing
        MIL’s Recruiting Team accepted the award on behalf of MIL   and advocating mutually beneficial initiatives, recognizing
        organization during an ESGR employer recognition event held   outstanding employer support, increasing awareness of
        May 12 in Annapolis, Maryland.                         applicable laws and policies, resolving potential conflicts
         “The ESGR Above and Beyond Award was created by ESGR to   between employers and their service members, and acting as
        publicly recognize American employers providing extraordinary   the employers’ principal advocate within DoD. Paramount to
        patriotic support and cooperation to their employees, who like   ESGR’s mission is encouraging employment of Guardsmen and
        the citizen warriors before them, have answered their nation’s   Reservists who bring integrity, global perspective and proven
        call to serve, said Jean Hulet, Maryland ESGR state chair.   leadership to the civilian workforce.
        “Supportive employers are critical to maintaining the strength   For more information about ESGR outreach programs or
        and readiness of the nation’s Guard and Reserve units.”  volunteer opportunities, call 1-800-336-4590 or visit

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