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IT update

        Spear phishing & what to do about it

        Spear phishing is the fraudulent practice of sending emails ostensibly from a known or trusted sender in order to induce targeted
        individuals to reveal confidential information. Prior to conducting a spear phishing attack, suspects will conduct open source
        intelligence gathering and research on their targets. Many times, this includes visiting an organization’s website and searching for
        employee information.
        Due to threats of this nature, please exercise great caution and be on the lookout for suspicious activity surrounding the request of
        confidential information. If you experience any of these types of instances, please contact MIL’s FSO, Tesfaye Swanson, immediately.

        Computer health & maintenance –

        rebooting your machine

        Many of us leave our computers running for extended periods of
        time. Maybe you don’t want to shut down that browser with 27
        tabs open. Or perhaps you have several documents open and don’t   SharePoint Spotlight
        want to have to find and re-open them all later. But did you know
        that your computer benefits from periodic restarts for a variety of   Microsoft is developing an ever-evolving suite of real-time
        reasons?                                                  information sharing and collaboration solutions. MIL
            » Many updates aren’t completed until you restart the computer  has a diverse team of in-house experts who are able to
            » Restarting flushes your computer’s memory           demonstrate and assist with implementing most of these
                                                                  solutions. New and improved business process applications
            » Restarting shuts down programs that you may not need to   you may want to consider include:
           have running, freeing up your processor for the tasks you
           need done                                                  » Connecting your Teams, SharePoint, One Drive, and
                                                                     File Explorer: allows files to be accessed and synced
        How often should you restart? Generally, once a week is fine to   across multiple platforms using the application of each
        keep the computer running efficiently but you should restart if   user’s choice or comfort level
        your computer feels sluggish or unresponsive, an update requires     » Explore Project Cortex: provides knowledge discovery
        it, or if you’re not going to be using it for a few days.    and content intelligence using advanced artificial
                                                                     intelligence to discover and manage content
        Lunch & learn                                                 » Make Data-Driven Decisions with Power Business

        As our company continues to find secure and creative ways to   Intelligence and Visio: allows expert extraction
        collaborate with internal and external customers, MIL is providing   of Microsoft Excel databases and creates real-time
        monthly virtual training “Lunch & Learns” specifically aimed   visualization of data
        at Microsoft Teams and SharePoint capabilities. Departments     » Be on the Look Out for Major Improvements to
        may also request smaller sessions for customized training or   Search Capabilities: Microsoft is addressing known
        demonstrations based on a team’s specific requirements. Below is   issues with search feature limitations via the use of
        an At-a-Glance snapshot of the main features used in Teams. For   Hubs and improvements to search accuracy within lists,
        the full version and many other tools and resources, visit the MIL   libraries, and sites as well as across shared libraries and
        SharePoint & Teams Training site here. This site also provides the   business units
        latest training dates for 2021 or you may request a customized
        session by emailing

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