Page 2 - Summer Cardinal Connection FINAL
P. 2

A Message from
                              President Joel Petermann
                                                 Have you ever been in the minority?  I just returned from Korea and
                                                 China and had my first experience of feeling in the minority in a
                                                 culture that wasn’t my own.  I couldn’t speak the language.  I looked
                                                 different than most.  I wasn’t very good at using chopsticks (though
                                                 I got better).  I was in the minority once before when I attended an
                                                 area Lutheran high school.  I was one of only a few who were plan-
                                                 ning to go into the public ministry.  I felt odd.  There wasn’t a lot of
                              support.  That’s not a knock against our great area Lutheran high schools.  It’s just a fact
                              that the majority are going a different direction there.

                              That’s why our prep schools are still so valuable.  At the prep school those going into
                              the ministry are usually in the majority.  There is constant encouragement and support
                              toward this goal.  You don’t feel alone and odd since most of your friends have the same
                              goals.  It’s just a different atmosphere.  In fact, for many, it’s an atmosphere that changes
                              the course of their lives as they are redirected from other goals to the goal of the public
                              ministry by their peers and professors.

                              I know some at our prep schools don’t go on to be public ministers as perhaps also some
                              of you who are reading this.  But you have an understanding of the public ministry from
                              your experience at MLS or another prep school. I hope and pray you appreciate the great
                              value in the experience you had.  I pray that you will continue to support the system that
                              still encourages and sends more pastors into our congregations than any other.  It is a
        SUMMER 2017
                              blessing from the Lord.
     Cardinal Connection is
  published by Michigan Lutheran
   Seminary and distributed free   In the world of church bodies our system of training for ministry is in the minority.  But
   of charge to the school’s alumni     it is worth supporting and keeping.  May the Lord grant us that continued goal for the
         and friends.
                              sake of his church and his ministry.
         Chief Editor
        MLS President
      Rev. Joel V. Petermann

       Editorial Assistant
        Laurie A. Starr                                                         Joel V. Petermann
        Graphic Design
       Michael D. Priebe
    Direct all correspondence,
     letters, news, corrections,
       and comments to:
      Cardinal Connection
       2777 Hardin Street
     Saginaw, MI 48602-3795
        (989) 793-1010
      Fax: (989) 793-4213

                                                                   About the cover
                                       MLS Class of 2017 graduates Jessie Amstein (left) and Amber Crowl are all
                                               smiles following their graduation service on May 27, 2017.
                                               Both Jessie and Amber will be heading to MLC in the fall.
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